Posted in Bri

Farmer’s Market with Megan

She made me title it that. This is another kind of test video for my new camera, but I like it because I like the farmer’s market.

It’s funny, because whenever Megan and I go to the farmer’s market, we basically only get a piece of pizza and walk around. We never buy the peaches, which is about the only thing they have fresh for sale, or any of the other produce. And we don’t even go to see other people. We just… go. Because it’s nice to see your community hanging out. I think that’s one thing I’ll miss in college; the sense of small town community I have with this place, because it’s so familiar and yet it always manages to surprise and enchant me.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 345] HOW TO: manage curly hair

EDIT FROM 2019: Hello there! This post is now 10 years old, though it’s still one of the highest-performing posts on my site. If you want to learn more about what 2019 me, an award-winning independent filmmaker, is up to, head to

This is less of a “step by step” HOW TO post, and more of a collection of tips and ideas. It’s a subject that I’ve been learning about for 18 years now, and so I thought I’d share with you my knowledge and hopefully save you from the hair floundering I endured. Continue reading “[Day 345] HOW TO: manage curly hair”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 344] HOW TO: do minimal work while babysitting

Step #1: Figure out how to worth the TV. They will become distracted immediately, at least until the show ends and there’s that five to ten minute wait before the next show starts. Sometimes, they’ll resist. At this point, ask them to go pick up toys in the general vicinity of the TV, wait a minute or two, then go find them staring slack-jawed at the TV. Casually sit down at the couch and wait for them to join you. When the show ends, repeat. Continue reading “[Day 344] HOW TO: do minimal work while babysitting”