Posted in Blog


So even though I’m writing this a week early, you’ll get to read it the day I start classes for my sophomore year of college. This post is generally just going to be about my school year goals, but can we take a break for a second and reflect on the fact that I AM A SOPHOMORE IN COLLEGE. There’s now even less time to buffer my eventual emergence into the “real world”, and it’s sort of terrifying. I don’t know how to do taxes, or pay rent, or get a job that isn’t facilitated by my parents (not joking). And it’s especially terrifying, because, you know, I’m majoring in creative writing and unless I pull a Rick Castle and get published during college, I’m probably going to be working a lot of corners after I graduate. And by corners, I mean PROSTITUTION. (Kidding. Sort of) Continue reading “Sopho-MORE”

Posted in Blog, Bri, Teenage Life

This is the end

…of my first summer home from college. It kind of went super slow, even though it’s already over, and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I mean, if you’d asked me two years ago what I’d be doing during my first summer home from college, I would have speculated that I would hang out with all my friends from high school like Mia and Kelli and Craig and that whole crowd. I thought I’d be going on nostalgic camping trips, talking late into the night about college antics, going on weekend adventures to our various college towns. In reality, I remain on speaking terms with a grand total of about 10 out of 460 people from high school, and for the most part I spent my summer trying out various coffee shops and making videos. Continue reading “This is the end”

Posted in Bri

So this is what I’ve been working on today

Books of appearance [L-R]: The Secret Wife (Micah Reeder), Addicted (Drake Hallow), Scourge (Lee Aranda).

Their love interests (who happen to be the protagonists of the books) are also in order L-R:

You’ve seen these girls before. Allyson Ashland, Blair Hunter, Camden Hailey. <3

These characters are all from my spy series. Camden and Lee are the newest characters in the newest book Scourge, which I’ve been updating you about via Twitter all summer.

Posted in Entertainment

5 Reasons Sylar Should Be Considered The Title Character of Heroes

EDIT FROM 2019: Hello there! This post is now 8 years old, though it’s still one of the highest-performing posts on my site. SEO FTW. If you want to learn more about what 2019 me, an award-winning independent filmmaker, is up to, head to

So I’ve consumed every episode of Heroes in the period of about a week, and as is my nature, I felt a blog was needed. Especially because out of the 15 different main characters that appear throughout the four incredible series, only one was ever really important. And it’s not because I have an unhealthy obsession with Zachary Quinto. It’s because, first,

Zachary Quinto’s Face Continue reading “5 Reasons Sylar Should Be Considered The Title Character of Heroes”

Posted in Blog, Bri

Not an emotional person

You know what? I wasn’t going to write this blog. I was going to do my Heroes review instead. But then the person who originally inspired this blog pulled the ridiculousness again and I couldn’t help it. So as the beginning of Star Trek plays in the background on Netflix Instant, I’m going to tell you exactly what pisses me off the most about people and judgements made about me. Continue reading “Not an emotional person”