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Summertime makes me drowsy

…And thus I’ve been getting next to nothing done. During the school year it’s easy to be productive because I already have to be awake and walking around in the morning, and once it gets to be about 3pm and I’m done with class, I can head to the coffee shop to get some much needed productivity out of the way. But during the summer, I either have absolutely no reason to get out of my wonderfully giant, warm bed, or I have to go to work at 7am and I don’t get off until 6pm, at which time I’m really not feeling the productivity buzz at all. Continue reading “Summertime makes me drowsy”

Posted in Blog

Setting is everything

So we all know I’m crazy, right? That’s universally accepted? Good.

It’s Monday as I write this blog, at my local Starbucks, and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m floundering. Remember a couple weeks ago when I posted that rambly blog about my possible senior thesis novel? Well, I’ve decided that I really, really want to write said senior thesis novel, and would like to have a mostly-complete outline by the end of the summer. Excited by this prospect, I drove myself to the aforementioned Starbucks to get to work. Continue reading “Setting is everything”

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Spike, Angel, and How it Relates to My Afterlife

If you know me, you know that when I get into a show, I get into a show. It took me about a month to get through seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the first four seasons of Angel. And that’s with school, extracurriculars, and this website. Impressive, right? But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. No, I want to talk about Hell and being agnostic, and how that relates to a very interesting conversation Angel and the recently-non-corporeal Spike have at the beginning of Angel season five. Continue reading “Spike, Angel, and How it Relates to My Afterlife”

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Wait, my brother isn’t eleven?!

Tomorrow my little brother graduates from High School. Even though I put together a college survival kit for him for Christmas and even though he and I have been making tentative spring break/thanksgiving plans together, I still haven’t really processed the fact that my little brother is graduating from high school tomorrow. Holy freaking crap.

My brother and I are 21 months apart, and we used to be really close. As evidenced by the adorable picture to the right, we got a huge kick out of wearing the same teeshirts and pretending we were twins, and that was only the beginning. Family friends Megan and David were slightly further apart in age than us, but their sibling cat fights could fill novels. I remember Vinny and I lecturing them. “Why do you guys fight so much? We never fight!” Continue reading “Wait, my brother isn’t eleven?!”

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I am a useless human being

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Posted in Blog, Bri

My first poetry slam!

My friend Matt is kind of insane. He does, like, everything, but something he’s really gotten into is poetry slams. He reads and participates in the weekly Portland Poetry Slams most Sundays, and a couple months ago decided that what our college needed was a slam poetry club. Naturally, I joined on, and last week we had our first “official” slam. Here are my performances (even though I missed two lines in the second one which I’m still upset about), and you should definitely go to our club’s YouTube channel to check out the rest of people’s stuff, because everyone was great!

“Out of Context”

“Be Plus”