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No video today

Photo on 1-31-13 at 12.47 PM…because I’m filming a birthday “day in the life” video tomorrow with FOOTAGE from today. Maybe I’ll post a quickie iPhone video later, just to tide you over (because I now how you’ve been waiting for a new video with bated breath, especially after I skipped last week), but just know, THERE WILL BE A NEW VIDEO TOMORROW! And it will be GREAT! OK! GOODBYE!

Posted in Blog


Cue apology about not posting on Friday and excuse about speech/being on the road for over 5 hours. Whatever. Moving on. I am sick. Or at least I am getting sick. My throat feels all funny and my nose is running and now I’m pissed because I do not want to be sick. I have a boyfriend and a full class schedule and a poetry slam to host.

Speaking of poetry, today Matt and I stood like idiots in the UC with a hastily made iPad document reading “push button for poetry” and then read poems to various students when they “pushed” the button. It actually went really well; we performed about six total poems and informed tons of people about our slam tonight. Matt got a girl’s number, I called my RA a gay lumberjack, Matt’s voice rang throughout the entire building, and a dude called my poem “incredible.” Continue reading “Blech.”

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It’s like I don’t even want to succeed

IMG_3043I love how even after I decide I’m only going to be blogging on Fridays I still don’t update on time. [insert post title here]

I ran out of steam revising my zombie short story, Brains, and decided to switch to blogging before realizing that I don’t actually have anything to blog about. I guess I could talk about that time Quinn spent nine hours in my dorm but the only parts of the conversation I remember were about how I would totally sacrifice him in a zombie apocalypse, how we both have terrible circulation in our hands, and how much we like pancakes. That doesn’t sound like a very interesting post. Continue reading “It’s like I don’t even want to succeed”

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A Look Back

I know, I didn’t post a video on Sunday OR a blog yesterday. Fail. FAIL. I think I’m going to start just posting blogs on Friday, not Monday AND Friday. That might be more manageable. Anyways, I was looking around the web archive of my website and found some amusing things. So today I wanted to take a walk through websites past and show you how far this website has truly come. Continue reading “A Look Back”

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internMFApicMy new years resolution (that I came up with after New Years) about blogging more regularly has ALREADY FAILED. Congratulations, me. Wow. But in my defense, and I actually have one I swear, I’ve been at this internship for almost exactly a week and I’m working basically from 7am-9:30pm every single day, no exceptions. Well, today is an exception because it’s Saturday and the middle of the conference and Becci and I drove a group of people to Canon Beach for a few hours. We are currently holed up in a cute little coffee shop called Bella Espresso doing… stuff. I dunno what Becci is doing actually but I’m working on my novel and, now, blogging. Continue reading “WOW”