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Budgeting Is Depressing

Photo on 4-30-13 at 1.06 PMSo I’m broke. Like, actually, truly broke. I’m so broke that last night I had pretzel sticks for dinner. That was partially because I was lazy and because my kitchen is too dirty to improvise an actual meal (cough dishes cough), but it was mostly because I’m really really broke. Not having much money has made me much more conscious of my own spending, and so to make sure I have enough money to survive while I’m in Spain, I made myself a budget. Continue reading “Budgeting Is Depressing”

Posted in Blog

The National Undergraduate Literature Conference: A Reflection

A few weeks ago, I posted this video, detailing how a short story of mine had been accepted into NULC, or the National Undergraduate Literature Conference in Utah. This was kind of a big deal. I haven’t been published or accepted into any writing contest thing since 6th grade when my short story about getting showed in got into a local anthology. Now that my college career is coming to an end, it’s started to dawn on me that I need some publishing credentials under my belt other than random guest blogs. The conference was last weekend, and I honestly can’t remember having that much fun. Continue reading “The National Undergraduate Literature Conference: A Reflection”