Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 278] Oui Oui Paris!

I have spent almost the last 24 hours in airports or airplanes, and then upon arriving to Paris finally at 2 in the morning Colorado time, I spent about an hour at the baggage claim and then another hour in the car with a crazy French man who seemed to enjoy putting us in near-death situations. But clearly, I am alive, and so after another hour or so trolling the streets around our rented apartment, I have compiled a list of what makes you blend into Paris. Continue reading “[Day 278] Oui Oui Paris!”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 275] Officially

Well, I’ve officially graduated from high school. And to be honest, I thought it would feel different. Better. More profound. But all I felt was bored and cold.

If I’m really being honest, the best part of the night was afterwards, when I saw Dylan and yelled “where the hell is my pen?” At least one of the issues I started this project over has been resolved. Resolved quite nicely, actually.

On an unrelated note, I’m not ashamed to admit my eyes watered when they forgot to call Bart’s name for the military students, and again when they did call his name while everyone got their diplomas. He should have been there.

Congratulations to all 2010 graduates, and good luck.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 272] Whoops

Tonight’s (very very) late post is going to be short, as I left my glasses in the bathroom and I’m too lazy/tired to go get them. It’s also 11:23 at night and I’m not in the mood for anything particularly involved.

Today I spent cleaning the house in preparation for my grandparents arriving, giving away many books and CDs to make room on my shelves for new ones, graduation party hopping, and watching Doctor Who.

I actually do feel more mature, believe it or not. Now that I’m no longer a high school student, there’s this weird feeling of responsibility that I feel like I’ve shouldered. And I’m not sure how I feel about that yet.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 270] Part one: The Table

Explanation for this video: The same few people, myself included, sat at the exact same table in the library (the one in the corner cuz we’re legit) nearly every day for two years. Now that the seniors are leaving, even the juniors chipped in to make this memory video on my iPhone. They promise to keep the tradition alive.