Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 87] I wouldn’t either

At the moment, I am sitting across a cafe table from this girl who is telling me a story about this girl she hates. She’s quite animated, and even though I don’t particularly mind the girl she’s talking about, I find myself captivated by her stories. We are so completely different, and yet we get along really well. I’ve mentioned Celsey, the girl who is talking, before, but I’m going to go a bit more in depth today.

I’ve never spoken to her before this year, but I’m so glad we’ve become friends. She’s so interesting, and has so many crazy stories. Compared to her, I’m practically Amish. But I like having her in my life, for a lot of reasons.

First, she gives me a new perspective on things. She’s a dedicated vegetarian and animal rights activist who wants to be a zoologist when she gets older. She’s had a lot more life experience than I, and I always feel like I’m learning something around her. Celsey’s sound advice #1: Don’t trespass in abandoned houses and steal unicorn pictures, because your house will be haunted.

Second, she inspires me to have confidence. As I mentioned in the first post she appeared in on this site, her fashion sense is very brave. Even now, I wear conservative clothing in simple, plain colors. But seeing Celsey wear her tights and long retro blouses makes me want to be a bit more creative with my wardrobe. And she seems to confident to boot. I am terrified of wearing a tank top and showing off my arms.

Finally, she’s just hillarious. She always makes me laugh, no matter how startling her comments are. And she’s so easy to get along with. And I like people like that. Open minded people are the kinds of people I like to surround myself with.

I like the variety of people I’m surrounded with, and Celsey is a great addition to the motley crew of friends.

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