I was just going to add all of this housekeeping stuff to the first post of the new theme week (I’ll get to that in a second), but I decided it can be its own post. With 56 days left in this project, I feel you (five) readers deserved some updates and information as to how I’m going to swing this.
First, theme weeks. I’ve really enjoyed the two* I’ve done so far and already have three new ideas. That gives us 21 more days worth of posts. 56-21= 35 days. This week, the theme shall be “Marooned”, which will be further explained in the post I will write directly after uploading this one. Next week, it’s going to be “Surviving High School: the only 7 tips you’ll ever need”. And my final theme week idea is “Books that have changed my life”, which will be third on the list.
Second, the final week, which is still a ways off. For the days of August 13th-19th, I haven’t exactly decided what I want to do. (Incidentally, Bri 2.0’s final day will be the day before I start college.**) Now, originally, I was going to spend each day of the week discussing what I learned from my assignment on those days. (Ex. Monday I would talk about learning from my past, Tuesday I would talk about learning to be happy, etc) However, I’m not really going by that structure anymore, and by the time mid-August rolls around, I won’t have followed those rules for several months. So it wouldn’t really make sense to write about that.
So what should I write about? Here is my brainstorming, because as I pen this post, I haven’t actually decided.*** On the 13th, a Friday, I’ll talk about the 7 things I learned about friendship. On the 14th, a Saturday, I’ll post my final video about this 6 things I learned from high school. On the 15th, a Sunday, I’ll write about the 5 things I learned about relationships. On the 16th, a Monday, I’ll write about the 4 things I learned about writing and blogging. On the 17th, a Tuesday, I’ll write about the 3 things that I’ve learned to make me the happiest. On the 18th, a Wednesday, I’ll write about the 2 things I want to achieve in college. And on the 19th, a Thursday, our final day together for this project, I’ll talk about what I’ve learned about myself, and how that’s different from what I knew back in 2009.
I kind of like that.
Now, onto Eugenia. I realize that all these theme weeks are kind of getting in the way of my posting regularly on it, but worry not, I have a solution. In addition to updating the old posts with the updates in this post, because I’m just being lazy by not doing it, I’m going to start posting Eugenia on Mondays, after the end of a theme week. Once these three theme weeks are resolved, I’ll probably start posting on Thursdays again, but until then, look forward to a new addition to the story at the beginning of the week.
I also realize that you’re barely going to get half of the story before Bri 2.0 wraps up, and after that, I’m not really sure where I want to go. Of course, I’ll try my best to finish the book, but should I keep posting it? You tell me. If someone other than my dad wants to continue reading it, let me know in the comments, and I’ll keep posting.
Finally, we need to discuss what’s going on next year. I know I discussed this a bit on my bonus post, but let’s look at it again. I want to take what I loved most about Bri 2.0 and put it into making this a real blog, one that doesn’t need some harebrained challenge year to keep it going. I know I didn’t post a lot before this year, and that’s unfortunate. I want to keep posting, even if only five people are reading. So tell me, five readers, what do you want to see from August 19th, 2010**** to forever? What was your favorite part of Bri 2.0, and what can I do to continue it? I’ll probably start posting political stuff on here again, because I’m too lazy to upkeep both this site and the blogspot.
This post was a lot longer than I expected it to be, so I’m going to end it here and start working on “Marooned” week. See you on the flip side. (I’m losing my mind)
Look- footnotes!
*On this subject, do you guys think it will be easier if I linked theme weeks like I do Eugenia? That way you can go back and read teeshirt week by itself without having to continually click the “back” button?
**Yay I forgot about footnotes! When I say “start college” I mean “get to early orientation because I’m going on a week long rockclimbing trip with my new classmates wooooo”. I technically start classes on the 30th.
***If you have a better idea, let me know in the comments.
****I’m going to be taking at least a week off after the project ends, because I’m exhausted. But hopefully I will pick up soon after with college tales and new content.
All sounds great to me…and of course I vote for you to continue posting Eugenia. Your idea for the last week of Bri 2.0 is AWESOME. I like the countdown tie in…brilliant and fun.
Don’t worry about linking the theme weeks…it’s nice, but not necessary. We all need to burn a few more calories clicking the back button.
MY favorite part of Bri 2.0 are the posts where you have time to let your snarky and smart prose flow on the page (screen). I would be happy with less frequent posts (I follow you on Twitter @BrisOwnWorld ), but more in-depth posts like the last few weeks. Maybe a “week in review” or something like that. I know you do it on Twitter, but it would be fun to see more photo and short movie blogs from your iPhone…especially when you are in FG.
I find “Eugenia” fascinating so i would read it if you keep posting it.