Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 138] Resolution time!

1. Be more honest

2. Stand up for myself more, because you can never do it too much.

3. Put myself first, because if I’m miserable, I can’t effectively help anyone

4. Finish Bri 2.0, because I still have a lot of work to do

5. Finish editing Addicted/ The Secret Wife

6. Graduate from high school and make a smooth transition into college

7. Don’t be afraid to act like a kid sometimes.

8. Create more visual art. If I don’t have time, make time.

9. Talk about myself less. (I have this tendency to relate my life to every conversation I’m in, because I’m really bad at making conversation. So I guess this resolution is more “learn how to talk to people”)

10. Strive past contentedness to happiness, because I deserve it

Happy New Years everyone. Let’s make this year better than ever before.

Maybe it’s not my weekend, but it’s gonna be my YEAR! -All Time Low

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 137] Time Capsule

I'm on the right

Question: Answers in 1999 Answers in 2009

All answers will be spelled the same.

My favorite thing to do is: Makeing things and being with my friends.

Writing, arguing, reading, and watching YouTube videos

My favorite subject in school is: Art.

AP Literature.

My favorite musical group & song is: My music band! *creepy drawing of lips*

Group: Jason Mraz. Song: “Woe” by Say Anything

My favorite book is: Star Wars Ep. 1

The Last Days of Summer by Steve Kluger

My favorite movie is: Star Wars Ep. 1

Star Trek or Chasing Liberty

In 10 years I think I will be: A driving mania (I think I mean ‘maniac’, as in I would be driving a lot)

Graduated from college in a job that I enjoy at least most of the time

When I grow up I want to be: Be an Aartist and fly airplanes

An author/webblogger/videomaker

I hope by 2009/2019 I have traveled to: Minisota (Never happened. This was where my first kiss back in preschool had moved. I have a long memory)

Italy and England

My favorite sport is: Baseball.


I think the next president of the USA will be: ME!

I still think it’s gonna be me. Screw the over-35 rule

Other comments: I hope my life will be great for the rest of my life! And I will write very neat!

I just want to be happy.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 135] And I thought I woudn’t have anything to blog about

I'm pushing my luck
I'm pushing my luck

We’re taking a break from holiday blogs for this special announcement: I DID IT AGAIN! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, WORLD??

Story time. So pretty much everyone knows the Dylan story by now. It was one of my main motivations in starting this project, and it has almost been completely resolved because of this project. But I’m here today (tonight) to tell you about a different saga that occurred almost at the exact same time, just in an entirely different facet of my life. Continue reading “[Day 135] And I thought I woudn’t have anything to blog about”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 133] Keeps me believing

Today’s holiday topic: Food!

Sorry for the late post. Long day. But today, my grandma cooked a giant belated Christmas dinner. It included five different kinds of meat, every vegetable you can imagine, salads, breads, and deserts that have the potential to make me very, very fat.

I tried butternut squash soap and liked it, brussel sprouts and liked them (my grandma prepared them with garlic and butter so that might have been why), cauliflower and didn’t like it (after reading P&P&Zombies, I just can’t…), and latin baked potatoes and liked them.
