Dear J.K. Rowling,
On Saturday, my friend and I went to see New Moon. We’d heard of people who’d been going dressed as Harry Potter characters, which we found quite funny, and decided that if anyone called out “team Jacob!” or “team Edward!”, we would call out “Team Harry!” loud and proud.
But then we thought about it. You can’t compare Twilight and Harry Potter; they’re leagues apart. I enjoyed both series… for different reasons. And it isn’t fair to hold Twilight to the standards you’ve set the literary world.
Because there’s great books… and then there’s Harry Potter. It’s so far above any other book in nearly all respects that it’s no longer a fair competition. When The Lord of the Rings movies came out, the Oscars were predictable. Peter Jackson dominated. It’s the same in the world of books; Harry Potter is what every aspiring writer looks up to.
Thank you for not giving up when you received all your rejections, because the world needed Harry Potter. I needed Harry Potter.
where would the world be without harry potter?
much much much sadder.
Completely and absolutely agreed.