Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 125] Project for Awesome 2009!

Dear John Green,

Congratulations on the baby and the huge success on Project for Awesome. I didn’t make a video, but tried to rate and comment on everyone else’s. I hope it was as successful as you planned.

I saw a video of you a few years ago about a prank you played in high school, but I didn’t realize this until a few months ago, when I picked up your book, Paper Towns. I loved it so much I bought the paperback version and then wrote a glowing review of it for my school paper. Then I made my way through Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines.

You’re in incredible writer, and an incredible videomaker. Your words inspire me to love and be love.

Thank you for being the “talking head” for awesome, beating world suck, and passionate writing. Thank you for being there, on my computer, when I was lost and confused. Thank you for being there, on my bookshelf, when I needed a boost and a chuckle. And thank you for being there, alive and well, when I just needed someone to look up to.



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