Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 225] TMI

Many of my teachers seem to have this disorder I like to call “Too Much Information-itis”. The symptoms are as follows: unnecessary discussion of personal life, detailed revelations of personal physiological disorders (sickness and other, more prevailing diseases), inappropriate student interaction (ie. quoting the “Hangover” or joking about marijuana), and/or emotional breakdowns during class.

I don’t understand what compels a teacher to discuss an ex-spouse with a class full of entirely apathetic teenagers, but it’s strong.

Last year, I had a teacher, who was married at the time, tell us that she didn’t see the point in being married to someone for the rest of her life. She got divorced over the summer.

This year, I’ve had a teacher describe her night of throwing up, another whine about an ex-spouse, another quote The Hangover constantly, and still another cry during class.

Thank Spock I only have two months left. I don’t know how much more I can take.


Ok, I’m in creative writing right now, and I’m dying. My teacher, who so eagerly retold her night of vomiting just minutes earlier, is now reading a story by Maureen Daly out loud.

1. If you’re really as sick as you say, would you be reading out loud? No.

2. If you honestly think that anyone in this class is paying attention to you, you’re sadly mistaken. No one takes this, or you, seriously.

3. I can see four people texting from where I sit. This is pathetic.

This is a terrible idea, and I resent it. Also, I feel sick and my face hurts.

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