Posted in Sports


Considering our volleyball team plays our bitter cross-town rival in about 15 minutes, in fact I’m going to be late because I’m writing this, I figured I talk a little about volleyball!!!

Now volleyball has never been something I’ve been into mainly because it just isn’t something guys are normally athletes in, but I’ve come to respect it. Volleyball is a big team game that takes a lot of different kinds of players in order for a team to succeed. There’s the blockers and killers up front, then the setters and the people in the back who do something or another…

But the reason I’ve come to like it is because almost anyone can play. Even some of the least athletic kids I’ve seen can play a whole heck of a lot better than me, and I’m a huge varsity athlete. Some of the 5′ girls in my PE classes have been able to whip my butt at it. It kind of pisses me off, but I still think it’s cool that almost anyone can be good at atleast one sport.

It’s also really really fun if you didn’t know. I can’t quite figure out what’s so awesome about it, but it’s just a rush of adrenaline. Not to mention beach volleyball, that’s fun to play too.

So if you don’t like many sports and don’t think you’re very athletic, volleyball could be the right game for you. It doesn’t take running or even jumping if you play the right position. So maybe try it, it could rock your world!

This is Scarface signing off.