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Moon Base: Pros and Cons

EDIT FROM 2019: Hello there! This post is now 7 years old, and is still randomly getting views due to being recommended on StumbleUpon way back when. Enjoy but please keep that in mind, and if you want to learn more about what 2019 me, an award-winning independent filmmaker, is up to, head to

Recently, Republican candidacy hopeful Newt Gingrich toured the Florida space coast on his campaign trail, and while there he made a rather surprising declaration. By the end of his second term, there will be a PERMANENT BASE ON THE MOON. I caps-locked that so you know it’s important. You’re welcome. Because I spent much of my time at my college’s speech tournament talking about this hysterical-yet-awesome promise (I used it as an example in two impromptu rounds and in the semifinal round of debate) and I’m still not sick of it, I thought I’d do a throwback to old Bri’s Own World and talk about some pros and cons. DISCLAIMER: I am not a scientist, nor am I an expert on space. However, I have my own website and half a writing degree from a small liberal arts college, and I think that’s good enough. Continue reading “Moon Base: Pros and Cons”

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50 things I wish were real

1. Hogwarts

2. Dragons

3. Quidditch

4. Flying cars

5. Magic carpets

6. Genies in lamps

7. Shadowhunters

8. Non-angry automatons

9. Teleporter

10. the TARDIS

11. Sonic screwdrivers

12. Consistent female pants sizes

13. Felix Felicis

14. Ron Weasely

15. The Doctor

16. Aberforth Dumbledore

17. Human memory external storage

18. AT&T cell service

19. Unlimited laptop hard drive space

20. The intersect

21. Super spy Michael Weston

22. Affordable airplanes with leg space

23. Unicorns

24. Middle Earth-style Elves

25. Lockness Monster

26. Good representatives in Congress

27. Rich, charitable Nigerian princes

28. Accurate Harry Potter movie

29. Automatic perfect vision pill

30. Gondor

31. Transformers

32. Butters from South Park

33. Lightsabers

34. The Millennium Falcon

35. The Force

36. Super healthy meal substitutes that taste like chocolate cake

37. Dæmons

38. Talking puppies

39. Cosmo and Wanda

40. Stitch

41. Mermaids

42. Clone machine

43. Holograms

44. The Enterprise

45. Minis Tirith Space Station

46. Podracing

47. Batman

48. Phasers

49. Spock

50. Space pirates with lightsabers, rocket boots, and plasma grenades that ride space platypuses


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10 tips to writing a great college application essay

I may be a little behind, as a lot of you have probably already submitted applications for college, but for those of you graduating next year and those of you who are running a tad late with the whole process, these are ten tips from a current, very happy college student about how to write the best application essay you can. Continue reading “10 tips to writing a great college application essay”