Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 172] Eugenia, part 2

Read part 1 here!

Here goes nothing. My father had described this process to me enough that it almost felt like I’d done it before.

160. I repeated the number in my mind as I sat down in the high-backed chair and stared at the giant monitor.

“Welcome.” I nodded to the electronic voice. “Are you ready for your test?” I nodded again.

The first question flashed on the screen.

Which of these blocks will complete the pattern above?

160. I”Choice C,” I said after brief deliberation. The question disappeared and was replaced almost as quickly.

If Jane is taller than Sam, Tracey is shorter than Jane but taller than Omar, and Sam is shorter than Omar, who is the tallest?


And so on. With every advancing question I felt myself relaxing. You’ve practiced this. 160. You know this. 160. There’s no need to freak out…

Finally, the screen went blank, signaling the end of the test. It’s over. I met up with Zia and we walked back out to the holding room where our parents were waiting.

It took several minutes to calibrate the results. My parents looked confident, but Zia’s were on edge. I didn’t blame them; they were both “Nicks”.

“Nick” was the term for a person who got between an Intelligence Quotient Score of 160, the lowest allowed in society, and 165. Their offspring were more likely to get lower scores, which is why many chose to mate with “Non-Nicks” or not mate at all. Zia’s parents were a minority couple in that sense, and that was dangerous for their daughter. But I knew how bright Zia was, and wasn’t afraid for her.

I, like my parents, was complacent. The spawn of a 170 and 175, I had nothing to worry about but some sort of biological deficiency, which was unlikely. If anyone was getting disposed, it was Zia.

Finally, the screen in front of us flashed, alerting us that our results were complete.

Meg Carroway- 155

Zia Thoms- 150

No one spoke as four men, clothed in dark grey suits, entered the room, gravely beckoned Zia and I forward.

“It’s time to say goodbye.”

Continued in Part 3!

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