Posted in Sports

The Americans Win!!!

The Olympic events in Beijing have come to a close, and what an amazing celebration of athletic ability it was. I watch the Olympics for two reasons:

1) To watch my favorite athletes compete in sports that I like to watch

2) To watch athletes support their country and see what amazing pressure they are put under and succeed under

Many Americans have HUGE expectations for our country, probably because they either think we’re superior, or because we have a pretty huge population of people to compete, not to mention how good our training facilities are in the US. But it really doesn’t matter to me who wins, honestly. Sure I’ll root for people, but I just love to watch athletes compete. What’s amazing to me is even though we have huge expectations, a LOT of other countries have bigger expectations on certain people. Many country’s people, maybe even China, absolutely are devastated after their athletes lose. They almost hate them just because they got the silver… talk about pressure. It is a little hard for me to watch sometimes because that thought pops up into my head, but if they succeed it’s sweet to see the look on someone’s face when they win the gold.

Besides that I like to see the shapes of people this world has. As an example I watched some gymnastics because they were on a lot. And as I watched, it was amazing to see how the athlete’s bodies have actually become somewhat deformed from their event, their bodies are shaping themselves from the shapes the events put them in. It’s funny to watch some of the gymnasts walk, they walk with a style that they developed from gymnastics.

However there are some problems that arise in the Olympics, namely bad situations between people from different countries. As you may have heard, a chinese man actually stabbed and killed an American coach and seriously injured his wife. These sort of things happen sometimes, maybe the worst time being the Munich games when a group of Arabs killed an entire team of Jews, which actually brings tears to my eyes.

It absolutely kills me to see these kinds of things happen!!! I don’t see why people feel the need to crash one of the few times the world’s countries come together for a time of should be peaceful competition. All athletes are trying to do is represent their countries, and all most fans want to do is support them, so why do people have to ruin it for everyone?! They’re so selfish!!!

On a happier note I did get to watch a bunch of the events, including a few of Michael Phelps’ historic races. And let me tell you one thing, they lived up to their hype. Even I, a person who could give a crud about swimming, could feel the energy and couldn’t resist cheering for the man as well as his team if that was the case. A few of the races were so close I was on the very -edge- of my seat, it was INSANE! He even won a race by the smallest margin possible to measure, now that’s close. I also watched a few of the great basketball games that the American team compete in and triumphed. Also, I even found myself enjoying watching some of the track races. One man, Usain Bolt, a man that competes for Jamaica set world records in the 100M dash AND 200M dash, that doesn’t happen very often. And to top it off, he won both by the biggest margin since the Olympics began keeping time in races, how amazing is that?!?!?!

So my point is you don’t have to be a fan of the event, or even sports. Just watch it and see, you might find yourself loving it!!!

Posted in Sports

$Cash Money$

As you may have noticed I have had a poll up for a while asking whether you think pro athletes are over-paid, and the results don’t surprise me. So first off I’ll give you my opinion: I think that it is controvercial to say that they are over-paid, however they do deserve the money they make and there are reasons their pay checks are so high. And it is my job to explain to all y’all why I believe this, so please stay with me.

Pro athletes are paid a TON, they make bank. My first point will show you why they deserve to be paid a lot of money, even though they may be overpaid, I believe they should make a lot. What people don’t realize is that athletes risk their well being and potentially their lives on a daily basis playing professional sports. Many of you may not believe this but it’s probably because you may not watch sports as often as I do.

Let’s start with football as an example, it’s dangerous as heck!!! Athletes who participate in football are everyday in harms way. Injuries are anything but uncommon, broken legs or arms are literally an every month thing. Just this year I watched a football game live on television and saw a man get PARALYZED from the neck down. Now think about it, what other regular jobs do you go to that this is something that happens on a relatively regular basis? Next let’s take baseball for example, pitchers. Mounds in the majors are 60’6″ from the plate, this may sound short yet it’s anything but. When a pitcher pitches the ball to a batter, the reaction time to the plate is well under a second. If a batter hits the ball directly at the pitcher, who at this point can be defenseless in many cases, the reaction time is even less. From different research I found that once the ball is coming straight for your head at a fast enough speed and that close, your body actually freezes, it can’t keep track of the ball. I’ve seen pitchers lose half their faces this way, sitting at a desk is this a major possibility?

Next I’d like to talk about retirement. Many athletes, by the time they are ready for retirement and out of their prime, have bodies that are so beat up that they actually begin to breakdown quicker than the average person. After years and years of working out aimlessly and taking beatings, obviously one’s body will suffer the consequences. Already, at age 16, both of my ankles don’t have barely any movement compared to what they used to, I’ve lost 2 teeth, I had an entire side of my face plastically reconstructed, my left arm is slightly deformed, my right shoulder hurts every day from baseball, and my wrists are so worn down that they pop when I move them (Bri can vouch for that if she recalls it). Now I’m not trying to sound whiny, but I’m only 16 and I’ve already had all this happen to me in sports. By age 40 I can’t imagine what it’d be like. So listen to this, when athletes get older they suffer for what they’ve done, which affect the rest of their lives in a negative way that other people don’t have to deal with on the same level.

Third I’d like to address lifestyle. I won’t spend long on this because you probably already know, but who wants to be followed everywhere they go? Another thing people don’t think about as frequently is family, pro athletes have to live away from home for a full 6 months atleast. Sure they get to spend time with their family a little, but it is difficult to maintain a family when you’re out of town all the time. Also, finding the right person is difficult because of “gold diggers,” I’m sure you’ve heard of relationship problems for athletes.

Now that I’ve made my first few arguments I need to address the main argument I’ve got against athletes getting paid so much. Why shouldn’t firemen, police officers and teachers, who can go through some serious problems, not be paid as much? Now my dad is a teacher so I understand and I agree, they should get paid more. But the reason they don’t is quite simple, their professions don’t bring in enough money to get them paid more, whereas athletes have a profession where money is brought in at an astronomical scale. Athletes are in the entertainment industry, which especially in America is insanely popular and still growing. Athletes EARN that money because the money in their profession is there. So the money they are paid has no where to go but to them, that’s the main reason they get paid that much.

Now I’m all for you protesting and saying that a certain amount of money that athletes get donated to other people or something, but it’s honestly doubtful.

So just let me say this, athletes may well be overpaid, but they make money because they are in a profession where money is brought in like mad, that’s just the way it is. They risk their lives daily and have very little job security.

I’d love to hear a discussion because I haven’t heard many arguments on this subject and I know there are some out there, so comment!!!

This is Scarface signing off.

Posted in Sports

4th and Inches

With preseason already in gear, the NFL regular season is starting to weigh heavily in many fanatics’ minds. Being a fan of the game myself, my adrenaline is rushing to watch some high contact sports. Many are fans of multiple teams, and many could really give a hoot about anyone but their own team. I have three favorite teams, though I’m afraid to say none of them are looking to be contenders for the Superbowl.

To start this off, I understand that many people that I know, not only girls but guys as well, don’t watch football because they don’t understand the rules of the game. I can sympathize with you too, football is not a very simple sport. So if you’re one of these people that think you’d enjoy watching football a bit more if you more fully understood the rules, then just comment and ask for an explanation and I’d be happy to assist you.

Football is a pretty violent sport, just last year I watched a player get paralyzed from the neck down during a collision. I’ve also seen a couple hyper-extended knees, a few elbows as well, concussions, broken ribs, all sorts of disgusting injuries. Actually my dad hyper-extended his elbow in high school trying to tackle someone, his arm looks a little weird now but has a pretty awesome scar. So for those of you who can’t stand to watch because of the violence, I understand.

However, I love to watch football because of how much of a team game it is. On any given play, every player on the field (there are 11 per team) must do a specific job to make it all work. The players have to learn dozens of plays and memorize exactly what they must do for each one, or almost surely the weakness will be exploited. In baseball, basketball, or even soccer; there is a player standing around for almost every play, which is not what football is about.

It’s also very nerve racking and filled with pressure, suspense can be built throughout the game. And some of the players make absolutely AMAZING plays. It’s also fun to see how hard some of the collisions are, if you’re into that atleast. There’s even a show called “Jacked Up” on ESPN every Monday night during Monday Night Countdown before the scheduled game. It shows all the best hits of the week, but only one’s where no one got seriously injured.

There’s also what’s called “Fantasy Football.” It’s where before the season a group of friends form a league and draft their teams with all the major offensive players, as well as a team defense. Each week the real NFL players play and their stats are used in Fantasy Football. For a touchdown the player earn a certain amount of points, as well as for yards and such, for the person’s team. They also can lose points for fumbles or missed kicks. Teams are matched up each week and the points are counted. Whoever’s teams has the most points wins obviously enough. It gets the fans really into watching different teams because they can have a quarterback, running backs, wide receivers, tight ends, and kickers all on different NFL teams.

Anyway I thought I might throw down some predictions since this isn’t necessarily a controversial blog. I always pick three teams to win it all before the season starts (I do the same with Survivor and Amazing Race).

1. Cincinnati Bengals- I doubt they’ll win it but they’re probably the best of my three favorite teams

2. Dallas Cowboys- I’m not a huge fan of the team but Terrell Owens is a force and their defense should be good. If Tony Romo continues to mature, they definitely should be coming out of the NFC strongly

3. New England Patriots- I HATE, and when I say HATE I mean I HATE HATE HATE the Patriots as well as Tom Brady, their quarterback. But I do like Randy Moss and they have a great team if their defense plays well

So there you have it, the NFL season is just around the corner and I’ve made my predictions. If you have any questions about the game or any teams or players, feel free to comment and ask me. For Bri and all of us here at Bri’s Own World, this is Scarface signing off.

Posted in Sports

Get the gaff!

So I’m vacationing in a tropical location that I can’t tell you the name of, however I will share with you my ocean fishing experience so far, it’s been all in all a blast!!! We were visiting a friend’s house, his name is Jim, and he has a sweet 22 foot speed boat, they’re actually called “bay boats” but they’re just really big speed boats which as you can imagine go really really fast.

First morning we’re visiting we head out to the dock, it is late morning however so the good fishing time has past. So out we go, Jim is pretty insane so he goes as fast as the boat will allow, needless to say it goes so fast that once he slows down near a bridge you can barely feel your face and your eardrums are kind of stunned so everyone has to be yelling for you to hear them. We stayed out 5 hours and never got a single bite! It majorly sucked, but the boat was pretty intense.

Next morning we decide to get out there early enough to catch some fish, so we wake up at 5:00 in the morning. It’s still dark when we leave the dock however we could still see where we were going sort of, the GPS was helpful. We started off getting a few bait fish in the shallow water, so we could cast them out and catch the big ones. After about 45 minutes of that, I caught a few myself actually, the weather took a turn for the worst. Jim wanted to head out to a reef about 12 miles off shore, meaning half an hour or so of a straight “run” was necessary to get out that distance. Jim gunned the engines and we were hitting it at 28 mph or so, but we were going straight into waves so the boat was making HUGE jumps, it was fun as heck but a little scary. But life isn’t fair so it starts raining hard. If you’ve never experienced this I’ll break it down for you: Going 25 or so mph on a boat with no windshield straight into a tropical downpour HURTS. The massive droplets sting like a paintball gun. Not to mention once we get a few miles out the entire sky is a storm besides a little spot just ahead of us.

Once we finally reached the reaf (indicated by a yellow buoy), lightning begins striking from two different directions, we’re in the middle of a clear spot so we’re in no immediate danger however it is scary. We can barely see the city from that far out but we start to troll around. Trolling is when you move slowly in one direction why the lures are behind you. If you use lures that look like fish then trolling makes a lure look like a small fish that is just swimming along ready to be eaten. After the first hour there is nothing except a few times where our lines caught some seaweed.

Then it happened, the jackpot. One line went buzzing like mad so Jim cut the engine. My brother is older so he got the first one. After about six minutes of hard fighting we pulled into the boat a nice tuna, he was 8 pounds and about two feet long, very good for that certain species of tuna. Next minute I got to reel in another tuna roughly the same size, I did reel it in much faster though because I’m pretty dang strong. After about 4 more tuna, an amberjack and about 10 maccaral (I can’t spell that) we were having fun, all except for me. Turns out to reel in a fish the boat must be stopped, which is when sea sickness is easiest to catch. It doesn’t help either that the weather can’t be much worse and the waves are huge. So there I am ready to puke my guts out while everyone is having a blast, I hate being vulnerable to motion sickness.

Then all of a sudden one line goes absolutely nuts. Jim knows it’s big so he reels in a shark!!! It was about 3 feet long which is very small, but it was still pretty sweet, they swim a certain way that makes them look really cool (when you’re in a boat, not in the water with them). Then another line goes off and Taylor reels in a massive King Fish that is four feet long and 24 effing pounds, it was crazy huge!!! After that we called it quits and went back to the dock. Once the boat was in motion again I felt better, but I’ve had random headaches ever since.

Posted in Sports

Nice one!!!

Just a couple days ago I came back from a 5 day backpacking trip into the great wilderness to participate in one of my very favorite American Outdoor Sports, fishing!!!!!!!

Obviously not everyone is made to be a fisherman, it takes patience and just a liking for catching fish. A lot of people don’t have those traits, like my older brother for example. It also takes some practice, casting a pole isn’t necessarily simple and reeling in a big fish takes the right form or else the fish will either break the line or even possibly pull the pole from your grasp. A certain amount of strength is needed to catch bigger fish as well, especially when sea fishing.

Now I will be COMPLETELY honest with you, fishing can be harmful. Just this week my uncle caught a fish that had bitten the hook in a horrible spot, in which case the fish died. The hook was lower in the throat and hooked it in the gills, which are almost equivilent to lungs for a mammal. This doesn’t happen extremely often or anything, but life isn’t always fair. Now, good fisherman who respect the dangers of fishing can do the right thing, we snagged the fish and ate it that night which is a good way to make sure the fish wasn’t wasted. For those vegetartians out there, sorry. The fish was tasty though.

I can see how people believe fishing to be inhuman, it does seem that way sometimes. But most of the time people catch fish they release them and almost no harm is done to the fish at all, really. There are also laws to protect fish from extinction and all. In many places, there are laws that prohibit not releasing fish that are of a certain size. This way it makes sure that the mothers and fathers capable of creating more large fish are kept alive.

For those people who don’t believe in fishing, I can understand, however I will explain why I as a fisherman choose to partake in the sport:

1) Fish are extremely energetic and make it exciting and fun

3) It is one of human’s oldest ways of capturing food

2) Fish are beautiful colors and shapes to look at, it is nice to enjoy the beauty of nature

4) I LOVE the taste of fish

This is all my opinion, but who cares what I think, I care about your opinion. So what do you think about fishing?

Posted in Sports

Time for the old Nine Iron

I’ve decided to quit basketball for this coming year because of the time it takes up from school work. Even though I am a complete sports freak I am also a nerd, I have 3 AP classes next year: AP Calculus, AP Biology and AP Language. So don’t judge me for being into sports, I’m really smart in most ways. You all are probably thinking that this has nothing to do with sports so I’ll get to that part now.

I’ve decided to take up golfing in my spare time, not competitively but more as a relaxing sport. As a baseball player I’m already into swinging things so I’m not bad for a beginner. Anyway, I used to not think golf should even be considered a sport, it’s not physical or anything right? But after golfing for a few weeks, or even after the first few times I’ve realized that it’s one of the hardest sports out there.

Many people, including my former self, think of sports as very physically testing, that’s where all the strength is tested, pysically right? However, most people forget the other aspect of sports, MENTAL strength. So after my experience with golfing I’ve come to realize that it’s easily the one sport that demands the most mental toughness.

Imagine this: It’s the last hole of a tournament, you’re one shot in the lead, and you’ve just hit a ball on the green (right near the hole). Now you have to walk a hundred yards or so to the ball, all the way knowing that if you miss the putt you could lose. The ENTIRE grounds are dead silent, watching you and no one else, atleast in other sports there are distractions from you. You must read the perfect trajectory angle and perfect strength to put on the ball (much much harder than it looks). Think of the mental toughness it takes to harbor all that pressure and putt it perfectly, I’m sweating just thinking about it. My point is that it is one of the toughest sports because of the insane pressure it puts on you.

I’m ancious to know what all of you think about golf, so tell me. Do you think it’s a legitamate sport?