Posted in Sports

Time for the old Nine Iron

I’ve decided to quit basketball for this coming year because of the time it takes up from school work. Even though I am a complete sports freak I am also a nerd, I have 3 AP classes next year: AP Calculus, AP Biology and AP Language. So don’t judge me for being into sports, I’m really smart in most ways. You all are probably thinking that this has nothing to do with sports so I’ll get to that part now.

I’ve decided to take up golfing in my spare time, not competitively but more as a relaxing sport. As a baseball player I’m already into swinging things so I’m not bad for a beginner. Anyway, I used to not think golf should even be considered a sport, it’s not physical or anything right? But after golfing for a few weeks, or even after the first few times I’ve realized that it’s one of the hardest sports out there.

Many people, including my former self, think of sports as very physically testing, that’s where all the strength is tested, pysically right? However, most people forget the other aspect of sports, MENTAL strength. So after my experience with golfing I’ve come to realize that it’s easily the one sport that demands the most mental toughness.

Imagine this: It’s the last hole of a tournament, you’re one shot in the lead, and you’ve just hit a ball on the green (right near the hole). Now you have to walk a hundred yards or so to the ball, all the way knowing that if you miss the putt you could lose. The ENTIRE grounds are dead silent, watching you and no one else, atleast in other sports there are distractions from you. You must read the perfect trajectory angle and perfect strength to put on the ball (much much harder than it looks). Think of the mental toughness it takes to harbor all that pressure and putt it perfectly, I’m sweating just thinking about it. My point is that it is one of the toughest sports because of the insane pressure it puts on you.

I’m ancious to know what all of you think about golf, so tell me. Do you think it’s a legitamate sport?

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