Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 361] I totally almost forgot

This was the ONE BLOG that I didn’t have already written/scheduled. I kinda freaked out because the first of the final week blogs, which was already written, didn’t go up today, but then I looked at the numbering and realized that I needed to write something else.

I’m meeting Rachel and her family for lunch at 11:30, so I decided against going to Borders today. That means that I’m kind of out of it and not really in a state to write a blog. Or at least, write another blog. Because I already wrote two today.

So I’m just going to link you to those two blogs, and call it a day.

My thoughts on the Proposition 8 ruling

Day 27 of my “Losing It” project

What, you didn’t know that I have two other blogs that I sometimes update? Well, I do. Because I’m kind of insane.

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 357] Story Start week 6: Yei

Writer’s note: That’s actually not the title of this next story start, but that’s what the document is titled on my computer and I think it’s funny. This story was actually originally going to be the sequel to Ash, but about ten pages in I realized that Ash couldn’t stand up on it’s own, let alone be the precursor to a series. Also, there wasn’t really anything that I could make a sequel about. Continue reading “[Day 357] Story Start week 6: Yei”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 356] Story Start week 5: *untitled*

Writer’s note: I think you can all figure who this was written for, even though I changed the names, as with yesterday’s story. This is actually all I’ve written, even though I have tried, often, to continue past this point. I think I really need to start writing stories that have nothing to do with my real life, because my spy novels always go better than this kind of book. Continue reading “[Day 356] Story Start week 5: *untitled*”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 355] Story Start week 4: Life Number 2

Writer’s note: I found this in my archives while looking for inspiration. It’s from all the way back in freshman year, and my stomach actually hurts to read it. It’s so obvious who I was writing about, though I changed the names, and the situations are so familiar that I can barely stand it. It’s a lot like “Burden of Proof” in that way; I had to stop writing it for fear of major depression. Continue reading “[Day 355] Story Start week 4: Life Number 2”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 354] Story Start Week 3: Birthday

Writer’s note: My friends Chad and Avivah, who are siblings two years apart, have the same birthday. And this got me thinking about those families who all have the same birthday and it’s some sort of amazing phenomenon. And then I started thinking even more and wondered… what if these families had one kid with a different birthday? What would they think? Continue reading “[Day 354] Story Start Week 3: Birthday”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 353] Story Start Week 2: Lawn Care

Writer’s note: This was just an idea I had within a daydream. I was auditioning for a movie with Liam Aiken (yeah, I know. Shame me. Just do it) and this was the premise. Then I decided that we should just be making Airborn, the movie he was originally cast for before backing out. If you’ve read the book, I was trying out for Kate in the dream. Continue reading “[Day 353] Story Start Week 2: Lawn Care”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0), Fiction

[Day 352] Story Start Week: Burden of Proof

Writer’s note: This story is actually already about 12 pages, all of which I decided to post, but I had to stop further progress because it depresses the crap out of me and I haven’t had enough separation from the very similar ACTUAL situations this story emerged from. While I was reading over it before deciding to just post all of it, I actually covered my mouth in laughing shock, felt an uncomfortable pang in my stomach, and almost cried in the middle of the Borders cafe. This book has a lot of… personal investment. Continue reading “[Day 352] Story Start Week: Burden of Proof”