Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 127] Cookout

Today was one of those days that seems kind of useless. It’s three days before Christmas, I don’t really have any responsibilities, and there’s no school. It’s just a filler day. A day that normally frustrates me with its sheer uselessness.

I spent my filler day well, though. I made a lot of headway on editing my first legitimate novel, Addicted. This came about from the understanding that it was written by a sophomore in high school and it needs to be decent if I want it to be the first in a series.

I also started a comprehensive list of all the characters in each book, complete with a physical description, organized into their respective settings.

I drove in a snowstorm with a little brother and a dog next to me and didn’t die.

I ended up spending 40 minutes talking to someone I never expected to converse with again.

All in all, a productive day.

*UPDATE AT 12:32 AM*

Screw all of that earlier stuff. I got half the closure I needed tonight, half of the closure I needed at the beginning of this project. I’m halfway back to being ok. And the other half is in reach… I just have to stop lying quietly and yell the truth.

I’m ready.

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