Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 129] It really is a wonderful life

I’ve decided that from now to New Years, I’m going to be posting a succession of holiday blogs, unless something big happens, which I doubt. Today’s holiday topic: food!

My family very rarely goes out to eat. It’s really always been this way, and so my brother and I have been spoiled by home cooked meals and having everyone home for dinner. Holidays just extend this tradition.

Today, we spent an hour and a half preparing and cooking homemade raviolli. All together, all crunched in our small kitchen, all laughing.

I may not be religious, but that doesn’t take away any of Christmas’s magic. Because to me, Christmas isn’t about the gifts, or the food, for that matter. It’s about family, and being together. And that’s something that anyone can appreciate, no matter what faith or what walk of life.

Happy holidays, everyone, and remember. You are not alone.

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