Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 132] Super Honeymoon

Today’s holiday topic: Travel!

As I sit down to write this blog, I am stuck in Denver International Airport. The flight that should have left two and a half hours ago has been delayed again until four fifteen. It’s three o’clock now. And having finished “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”, there’s not much left for me to do but blog and sleep.

Holiday travel is apparently always like this, but my family doesn’t travel much for holidays, so I wouldn’t know. When we do travel, we always drive, so as to avoid the temperamental nature of airports.

The reason we decided to fly to Texas the day after Christmas this year is that we’re spending New Years with my grandparents. Normally, we probably would have stayed home, but this year is special. It marks the ten year anniversary of our time capsule.

My grandparents still lived in Colorado ten years ago, at the turn of the century. So for our celebration that year, we got together with two other families and created a time capsule full of letters, pictures, and trinkets, if I remember correctly. Seven-year-old Brianna was amazed that by the time she got to open her letter, she would be a senior in high school. At that point, she was only in third grade.

Well, little Brianna, we made it. Barely. And now, if our airplane ever decides to get here, we’ll get to read the things you wrote so long ago. I’m excited. Are you?

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