Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 147] I wrote this during creative writing and I’m quite proud of it

Dear Zach (who now has claimed the seat in front of me during creative writing),

From the moment I met you, you made my life miserable. No, scratch that. It’s too mild. From the moment I met you, you made my life hell.

And you enjoyed it, too. The tormenting was near torture. You took psychological pre-pubescent bullying to a whole new level.

The worst one, as I’m sure you remember, occurred in 6th grade Spanish class. Ms. Greb was late again so you screamed into my face exactly how worthless I was.

Thanks for that. As if I couldn’t figure that much out on my own.

Low self-esteem has plagued me ever since. I hate that someone as insignificant as you could have affected me so deeply. Even Dylan was my friend before he turned.

But Dylan had a semi-recognizable reason to hurt me (not that it’s justified). You had nothing. I was just vulnerable and available.

How dare you?


P.S. You miserable sot. (That one’s for you, Rachel!)

4 thoughts on “[Day 147] I wrote this during creative writing and I’m quite proud of it

  1. What’s a sot? And if there was anyone on this planet that is NOT worthless and in fact marvelous in many ways, it is you. OK, I will admit that I’m a little biased, but not entirely. I think many would agree that you are FAR from worthless. Or did you put that line in there to bait me? 😉

  2. AWWW YEAHH!!!!! what a great word. that was pretty much the best thing we’ve ever conspired to call someone.
    and I don’t think you should troll your dad 🙂

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