Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 196] Do it for me now

Dear Anna,

Being best friends in second grade probably didn’t mean much to you, but it did to me. At the time, of course. I mean, after Rebecca, I needed a break from abusive people. Unfortunately, I didn’t get that from you.

If was fun at first; we were both tomboys (although you contended that you were more of one, having three older brothers), we both liked sports, and we were both “smart kids”. But you were just as manipulative as Rebecca. You used me a lot to get what you wanted, and my naivety caused me to allow it. I thought we were friends, but you saw me as a means to some sort of end.

I realize that this behavior I exhibited continued as I aged, finally collecting around the whole Dylan thing. And although I don’t blame you for this, I just want you to know that if it happened today, I wouldn’t stand for it.


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