Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 33] It’s thundering right now :)

Dear Sam (last name removed to protect the innocent),

Usually I start off my letters with a brief description of who I am, but you already know who I am, so we’ll skip that step. On August 19th of this year, I started a year-long blog project entitled “365 Days of Bri” to rediscover myself. I’ll add the details at the end of this letter, but for now I’ll just explain your part. Every day of the week I have a different task to do, at once I’ve completed it I have to write about the experience in the blog. On Sundays like today, my task is to write a thank you letter to someone I’ve never met.

Obviously, meeting people over Facebook is a somewhat dangerous idea. Since meeting you, I got rid of that “Are You Interested” application and I’ve never been happier. But I’m glad that when it was still installed, you were one of the people I met. Of all the crazy people on the internet, I ended up writing to you. And it was the best decision I could have made.

The first thing we talked about (other than “Hi I’m Sam” and other such introduction things) was graphic designing, video games, music, and books. There was no denying a friendship after that. But that isn’t why I wanted to write you a letter.

We have never met, but I consider you a very close friend of mine. I’m so grateful for your support over the past year with the various issues I’ve got (and let’s face it, I’ve got a lot of issues). You’re one of the most consistent people in my life, which is crazy considering you live two states away. Every time I talk to you I end up smiling, no matter what kind of a day I had.

In summation, thank you, Sam. Thank you for being there for and cheering on someone you’ve never met in real life. Thank you for actually initiating conversation instead of letting our unorthodox friendship fall into my hands alone. I hope college continues to be a great experience and you never stop being awesome.



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