Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 47] I can do math!

Dear Natalie Tran,

I don’t remember exactly when I first started watching your videos, but let me tell you, it was a day that changed my life forever. My parents have actually threatened to take my computer away from me because I spent more time watching your videos over and over again than I do anything else. While you were away doing your short film for school (I follow you on Twitter as well) I hid my sadness by watching all of your videos… again.

Now that the creepy paragraph is out of the way, let’s get to something, well, less creepy. I find all major YouTubers incredible inspirations. Being able to make something of yourself with a camera and internet access is just astounding. The expansion of social media is ridiculous, even to people like us who have grown up with it. With all that said, I picked you as the first YouTuber to write a letter to for a couple different reasons.

First, I relate to you. Nearly all of your videos ring true for me in some way, making the viewing experience even more personal. To add to that, you’re a real person. I’m not writing this letter to some celebrity who pretends to be “the girl next door”. You’re not some LonelyGirl15. I’m writing this letter to a college student who became famous for being a regular, creative, well spoken person.

Second, your videos give me something to look forward to. When I’m stressed out, which is a nearly daily occurrence, I watch your videos. When everything else in my life seems to be going wrong, I take solace in the fact that soon you’ll be uploading a new video, and that will give me a three to five minute escape.

Third, you haven’t changed despite your change in internet status. I’m not going to lie, I have watched every single one of your videos. Yes, even the old housekeeping ones. Finding success has not made you any different, and that gives me hope not only for myself but for other people I know. In a world where scandals and public displays of angst are encouraged because of the publicity you get, it’s nice to know that some people, who have arguably the same amount of popularity, can maintain their popularity by staying exactly who they were in the first place.

So thank you, Natalie, for being yourself, for providing an inspiration for me and so many other people, and for continuing to make your videos that help keep my head above water.



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