Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 67] Losing It

I had this idea after watching sXephil’s weight loss video, but I didn’t think I’d have the energy to actually film/edit it. Guess I was wrong.

7 thoughts on “[Day 67] Losing It

  1. i still think that you look better than every on of the Top 100 hottest girls
    i hope that helps
    but i can see that you are very determined to get into shape, so i will just say good luck and godspeed, and i know that you will do it!

  2. I don’t know if you know this Bri, but I got quite fat near the end of freshman year. I was maybe 5’1″ and well over 150. I became obsessive about losing every possible pound, and I did lose a good 30 of it. I even built a lot of muscle, hence my somewhat muscular (I hope) figure. I was a body Nazi until my gym membership ran out. I got to the point where I wasn’t aiming for a six pack anymore but rather an eight pack. Then it ran out and I stopped actually working out, I still rode my bike an epic amount, but the work outs stopped. Recently I’ve joined a gym again, but I don’t have the drive I did before. Don’t get me wrong, I have work to be done. I’m definitely not Mr. Six pack any more. But, I’m happy with how I look. Despite my, what I consider to be, pudgy form. Anyway, the point of this story is that I don’t care about how I look because I’m happy with who I am. A big BIG party of being healthy is being happy. I don’t know for a fact that’s it’s been proven through research or experimentation, but I think that when you’re unhappy you have less energy and a slower metabolism and thus you have a harder time digesting foods, fats, enzymes, etc. and so you become less happy. Whereas when you’re happy you burn more. I know that when I was working out I had to maintain a strict diet to stay the weight I was where as now I stay exactly the same eating fast food and drinking soda. Moral of the story? Cheer up kiddo, being healthy is mental, and that’s what happiness is. Health. Hope this helps. And, if you need any help with happy I’m always here 🙂

  3. There’s a lot of physical healthiness I’d like to acquire too. Like not gasping for air after going up a flight of stairs. Like eating better and taking care of my body. But thanks, pal 🙂

  4. Im glad I have someone that has the same issues as me. Im not happy with the way I look, I would give you my body any day if I could! I think every/almost every girl has body issues at one point or another (even girls that are petite) but you are an insperation. I have been wanting to try to be more healthy, but I always relpase back to junk food and watching tv after I finish my homework rather then working out. Keep me posted on how things go!

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