Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 8] Gosh I’m Supportive

Photo 171My brother had some pretty bad luck as a baby. Not only was his hip out of place so he had to wear a giant cast for the first several months of his life, but he was also lactose intolerant and allergic to nuts of all caliber. We found the last two things out because he had red, irritated patches all over him and we found out that through my mom’s milk he was being exposed to things that we were unaware he was allergic to.

Nearly sixteen years later, he still has some slight hip problems and is still allergic to tree nuts, but milk and peanuts are A-OK. But after more than half of his life spent allergic to these things, he’s gotten accustomed to the alternatives. My parents have even got on the bandwagon. I am, most days, the only person in the house that drinks regular, 2% milk. For everyone else, it’s Silk Soymilk (vanilla flavor!).

Interestingly enough, I can’t remember ever trying this soymilk thing. I’m wary of trying new foods because of my overactive gag reflex (which is triggered if toothpaste hits the back part of my tongue), but today I branched out. Today, I tested soymilk.

Out of Silk
Creative Commons License photo credit: Jennie Faber

Before pouring my own milk for breakfast, I grabbed the Silk and filled the bottom of my glass with just enough for a gulp. After staring at the slightly murky, bubbly complexion for a moment, I threw it back like a tequila shot. Putting the glass back down, I did the tongue thing you do when contemplating whether you like something or not. There was a hint of vanilla something behind what I assume is just a regular soymilk flavor, but it tasted overdue. Another few seconds passed and I gave myself a mental verdict: Ew.

After scrunching my nose to the taste lingering in my throat, I poured a drink of my own milk, before discovering that my clear white 2% looked a little… soy at the edges. I considered ignoring it, but then rejected this idea and poured out the milk, which I told myself rinsed the glass sufficiently. At this point, I poured a full glass of good ol’ cow milk and ate breakfast feeling satisfied.

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