When I woke up this morning, or rather, was awoken by my father, I was convinced it was Sunday. Darn you debate for screwing up my internal clock!
Things I’m happy about today:
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which we’re watching in AP Psych, is really good.
2. I feel good at my AP Gov test.
3. I also feel good about my AP lit Pride and Prejudice quiz.
4. When people get excited about something I plan. (Nerdmus… let’s make it happen, people!)
5. My debate ballots say I’m too intense during the questioning parts. This is supposed to be something I need to work on, but come on. You were lucky I was THAT nice. This just kind of made me laugh.
You are reading Pride and Prejudice? We just finished it.
Technically, I’ve already read it, but yeah, we just started it for class.