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Boys are cowards and other musings

Harry Potter shirt. Oh yeah. You know you want a piece of this action.

So a few weeks ago, when I wrote Flummoxed, as a lot of you probably guessed, much of that story was true. That’s kind of what it’s like up in my head. I’m constantly realizing how socially inept I really am and, thus, constantly looking for ways to get out of social interactions. Sometimes, I swear this is true, I plan my bathroom use schedule around the times I know the least amount of people will be around. But that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about something else that I mentioned in Flummoxed that happens to be based on real life. The whole “being asked out” thing.

Ok, I just reread Flummoxed and, as it turns out, I didn’t actually extend on what I thought I did, but that’s ok. It’s still relevant. So in the story, the protagonist, Hailey, is asked out by microwave boy Seth (it’s funny because of what the real life “Seth” turned out to be in my real life) in person. This may not seem too odd, but to Hailey, and to me, it’s rather significant.

See, I’ve never been asked out in real life. Mike, my first boyfriend, asked me to be his girlfriend over instant messenger. I then broke up with him two months later…. over instant messenger. To be fair, the first time I broke up with him I did it in person, but still. Cody, my second (and last) boyfriend, asked me out over the phone. One year and one month later, I broke up with him… over the phone. I was asked to homecoming my freshman year by a friend of the person asking me, homecoming my junior year over Facebook, and Prom my senior year over text message while I was stoned on pre-wisdom teeth surgery meds, drooling and watching Revolutionary Road with my mom. Hot, right?

And I’ve been musing about this fact for a couple of weeks, since I realized the pattern. I’ll give you that this seems to reflect poorly on my generation and only goes to further prove how person-to-person interaction has been deteriorating since cell phones and the internet. So what do we do? Hold a seminar to let boys know that they should stop being cowards?

Ugh. I might not be so interested in this had I not been striking out left and right with guys since coming to college. Like Hailey, there was a part of me that assumed the dating pool would be significantly widened once I got to school. Obviously, this is untrue. For me, at least. And then there’s the girls I know who’ve had like four boyfriends since August and all I can do is just stare at them in disbelief.

I’m not saying I’m getting impatient for a boyfriend. That’s not what I mean by this blog at all. I’m just saying… that I think I’m due for being asked out in person. There. I said it. CHALLENGE INITIATED, UNIVERSE.

In other news, this week I hung out with people more than once who are NOT Ellen and I’ve made plans this weekend with people who are Ellen and who also aren’t. I think this means I’m making progress, no?

Honestly, I’m just trying to live up to the “and other musings” part of my title right now. But I swear, I’m making other friends. Be proud of me. New These Folk video/ Eugenia section Sunday, and hopefully I’ll start uploading Budapest videos next week.

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