My mother and I share a punctual trait that, though in some cases can be inconvenient, is generally a helpful trait to have. I am rarely late to class, meetings, dates, movies, parties, etc, and even if I’m generally the first one to arrive (which can be awkward when it’s a party), I never miss anything. Especially now that I’m in college, where I have complete control over my schedule (no parents waking me up for school), this punctual trait has come in handy. Why pay for school if you aren’t going to go to class, or you miss the first ten minutes every day? So these are my tips to never be late to anything ever again. If you’ve ever had problems with this, I promise, if you even follow a couple of these tips, you’ll come out ahead.
Step 1: Figure out the average time to get to wherever you want to go, and then add five minutes. Even if it only takes you three minutes to get somewhere, like to the next building for class, always add five minutes to your travel time, because sometimes there are extenuating circumstances. Maybe you forgot your textbook and have to go back and get it, costing a minute or two. Maybe there’s a bit more traffic than usual. Or maybe a friend stops you on your way to ask you a question or catch up. No matter what, its always good to have a safety net. That five minutes could be the difference between being on time and being the person everyone stares at as the last one to arrive.
Step 2: Decide which rituals/activities that are absolutely essential before leaving, then add ten minutes to however long they will take. Living with people other than my extremely low-morning-maintenance brother has really opened my eyes to the variety of ways people get ready to leave the house. My roommate Colton refuses to go even downstairs to the laundry room without doing his hair and shaving. Alternatively, my roommate Ellen can never leave the room without putting on eyeliner, eyeshadow, and foundation. Sometimes, these morning rituals get in the way of their being on time. The main thing to takeaway is this: give yourself the time to fulfill these rituals before you have to leave, otherwise….
Step 3: Decide which rituals/activities are nonessential. Though I prefer to put on a bit of makeup and do my hair before I leave for class, sometimes I sleep in a bit too late or my breakfast takes longer than expected and I have to make a decision. Do I forgo these rituals in order to be on time? For me, the answer is yes. I will give up putting on makeup and I will throw my hair up in a pony tail if I’m late, because I value being timely and would rather get the most out of my college classes than look pretty for that cut guy two seats away. Of course, some rituals are necessary, like brushing my teeth, and it’s important you prioritize your own routine. If you really want to be on time, then you might have to give something up once in a while. If that means one day without doing your makeup or hair, so be it.
Step 4: If you can, do as much as possible the night/day before. This tip is a drag, I understand, but your future self will thank you. Trust me. Maybe pick your outfit, print out your homework, make your breakfast/lunch, and pack your day bag the day before, so if you end up running late in the morning, there’s less for you to have to worry about. Just take ten minutes before you go to bed getting everything in order for the next day. Those ten minutes could make or break how tomorrow goes.

Step 5: Make a To-Do list the night before or right when you wake up. Knowing you have a certain number of things to accomplish in your day can help you prioritize them, putting trivial things like watching YouTube videos or sleeping in fifteen minutes longer into perspective. There’s nothing worse than realizing before you go to bed that you forgot to do a bunch of stuff earlier.
Step 6: Suck it up. If you must sleep in longer or finish that episode of 30 Rock from last night, then you have to give up something else in your daily routine in lieu of being on time. If you don’t want to give something up, then, frankly, get up earlier. I promise that half hour less of sleep is not going to kill you. Don’t be lazy. Respect the people who are waiting on you or who are interrupted by your lateness and get your life in order.
So there it is! Six (relatively) simple steps towards a more punctual life! It mostly applies to not being late in the morning, whether to work or to class, but the tips could easily be translated to anything else. Good luck, and happy punctuality!