Posted in Blog

Oh hey look who’s being unreliable again

SORRY! I had “blog” down on my To Do list for yesterday, but then I got distracted by the 7 years+ of Joyce and Walky webcomic archives and went into a stupor. I also went to Ellen’s two intramural soccer games, which is a much more legitimate excuse. I’m still sorry, though.

In lieu of a REAL blog, since I’m still not quite feeling up to it, I thought to myself, man, I haven’t complained enough recently! WE SHOULD FIX THAT! So here you go, a blog about all the things I have to do, class by class.


-work on self portrait


-submit online assignments (of which there are a lot)

-conceptually design teapot/tea cups

-actually make teapot/tea cups


-edit all previous assignments

-write short story (1-2 pages) using flashbacks, summarizations, scenes, and slow motion

Lit Magazine production:

-read submissions

-actually go to the meetings (whoop)


-Edit/finalize 10 minute play

-Research playwright for end-of-semester presentation

-Finalize concept for full length play

Speech and debate:

-go to practices

-further memorize/ practice speeches

-Find/cut/memorize/practice Duo

-Go to tournaments and miss school

-Write ADS (maybe, if I feel like it)


-Blog twice a week (FAIL)

-1 BOW video a week (conceptualize, film, edit)

-1 TheseFolk video a week (conceptualize, film, edit)


-Cook for self (and roommates)

-Film Cooking with Gandalf as often as possible

-Exercise (HAH)

-Write on own projects (BIGGER HAH)


-Sleep (heh heh)

-Socialize (surprise!)

-Wash dishes

-Figure out/make/purchase Christmas/upcoming birthday gifts

-Register for classes next semester

-Ponder own existence

-Self loathing

-Occasionally going to the bathroom

-Reading webcomics/Cracked articles


….No joke, I don’t even have time for YouTube anymore. I ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR YOUTUBE!

Wah wah wah. Ok, I’m done. See you Friday! (I PROMISE)

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