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Rape Culture is Not A Myth

IMG_8755It’s about that time again, friends, where I write a strongly-worded rebuttal to something stupid I’ve found on the internet. Once again, it is related to women’s issues, but I promise soon I’ll write on another subject. In fact, I’ve got a whole queue of blog drafts waiting to get worked on, and only like half of them are about women’s issues. But anyways. This is a response to the Time Magazine editorial “It’s Time to End ‘Rape Culture’ Hysteria”. Continue reading “Rape Culture is Not A Myth”

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“The Problem with False Feminism”- A Response.

So there’s an article circulating around Tumblr right now. It’s this one, about Disney’s new animated film “Frozen.” I will state for the record I really enjoyed this movie when it came out, and now [as of the slight editing of this post for clarity]. A lot. And like everything else I enjoy in pop culture, when someone makes bad-faith criticisms of it, I have to respond. I can’t help it. I’ve been a competitive debater for six years. It’s in my blood. Continue reading ““The Problem with False Feminism”- A Response.”

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Happy 23rd Birthday, Quinn!

IMG_2954I have to tell you about this guy. I’m going to try and not make it sappy, though I can’t promise anything.

About two years ago I noticed this guy in my intro to writing creative nonfiction class. I noticed him because he was one of the four or five men in the class, and at first I left it at that. But then I had to read his essay about haggis for a critique, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Then I really started paying attention.

The semester after that we had ADVANCED creative nonfiction in a much smaller class and ended up sitting next to each other. When I say “ended up” I really mean “I planned my seating arrangement around him because he was cute and funny.” We flirted like crazy the entire class and I actually feel really bad about how disruptive we were sometimes.

Then winter happened and during January I tricked him into a kind of date and after 7 hours of talking we made out a lot and then he was my boyfriend. It’s been almost ten months and I’m just as crazy about him as I was when I read that first essay, if not more.

Quinn is the kindest, funniest, smartest, most genuine person I have ever met. He’s a passionate and talented writer and actor, he’s a brilliant historian, and he’s an amazing human being. I have never once taken our relationship for granted, because it’s impossible to not feel lucky every single second that we’re together.

Happy birthday, Quinn, and even though I can’t be there since I’m at stupid Linfield, know that I’m thinking of you and hoping you have a fantastic day.