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A Recipe for a Healthy Relationship

I told Rachel the other day that Quinn is the first boyfriend I’ve had that I actually want to be around. No offense, Cody, but once we started dating, we stopped being friends, and you know it. Either way, for those of you who haven’t seen my obsessive countdown posting on Facebook, Quinn came to Colorado last Thursday, and since I haven’t seen him since the middle of May, I was rather excited. But this post isn’t going to be a sappy ode-to-boyfriend, I promise. It’s going to be much more contemplative than that. Continue reading “A Recipe for a Healthy Relationship”

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On Being a Young Woman in a Crowd

IMG_6226Finally home from Spain! When iMovie decides to let me export, I’ll upload the next in my travel vlog series, but for now, I want to talk about exactly what this post is titled- being a young woman in a crowd, OR, more accurately, how I got sexually harassed while in Spain and why I no longer trust the majority of the male population because traumatic experiences make me paranoid. Continue reading “On Being a Young Woman in a Crowd”

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Bri’s Top Ten: iPhone Apps

It’s important to recognize that, before reading this, you might not like the same apps I do simply because everyone uses their phones differently. So this top ten list, in NO PARTICULAR ORDER, gives you the apps a 21 year old liberal arts student who owns her own website uses the most. Also, all the apps I mention are COMPLETELY FREE, so that’s also a plus. Continue reading “Bri’s Top Ten: iPhone Apps”

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From Avila To Madrid

IMG_4488After three days of Avila with just Kelly, Margaret, and me, today we met up with the rest of our travel writing and spanish culture group in Madrid. The feel is very different from place to place- Avila was much more old-fashioned and small-town, while Madrid is absolutely a bustling, modern city. I loved Avila, which if you’re my friend on Facebook you could probably tell from all the pictures I’ve posted (don’t worry, blogglings, I’ll have travel vlogs for you, and I’ll probably post a bunch of pictures later), but I think I’m going to equally love Madrid.

Even though I’m totally broke, I am so, SO glad I’m on this trip. It was worth it after the first day, and it can only get better from here. And in related news, my budget is working super well and I’m actually well within it! WOO!!