The Black Nail Polish Experiment
I haven’t been particularly girly since I hit about 8. Before, it was frilly dresses, hair bows, and happiness, but after? Plaid shirts, cargo pants, and a bad attitude. Once I got out of the hell prison that some like to call “middle school”, I tried to turn it around a little bit. I wore blouses instead of basketball teeshirts, jeans that hugged instead of hid me, and I even experimented with makeup. It was really hard at first; I felt like I was betraying almost a decade of hard, tomboy work. But even as I began to get comfortable with some colorful eyeshadow and maybe a skirt or two every once in a while, one thing never changed. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t get comfortable with nail polish. Continue reading “The Black Nail Polish Experiment”
Being a CW major is awkward
Then vs Now: A Writer’s Comparison
When I was in high school (and middle school, for that matter), I was a super depressing writer. I was also a pretty depressed person, which you’ve already heard a lot about so I won’t go into details, but needless to say, that influenced my writing heavily. So I thought it would be fun to do a compare/contrast thingy with a novel I wrote my junior year of high school, “Reticence”, and with the short story I wrote last semester, “Super.” Both pieces of work dealt with the theme of being alone, although one is set in a regular high school and one is set in a San Fransisco where superheroes are just another part of the day. Continue reading “Then vs Now: A Writer’s Comparison”
These Folk: Yarn Dolls with Bri
Why I think superstitions are dumb
EDIT FROM 2019: Hello there! This post is now 7 years old, and is still randomly getting views due to being recommended on StumbleUpon way back when. Enjoy but please keep that in mind, and if you want to learn more about what 2019 me, an award-winning independent filmmaker, is up to, head to
yeah ok. According to Wikipedia, there is no documented history of the Friday the 13th superstition before the 1950s. There are a lot of theories about why people are so freaked out by this day, but they all boil down to this: People are stupid. Yes. If you believe in superstitions, it’s going to be very hard for me to respect your intelligence, or your existence on this planet, or your right to breathe my air. (That’s right, I’m going controversial with this blog) Here’s why: Continue reading “Why I think superstitions are dumb”
Things and Stuff ep 7- The Dartboard
Spring Semester: Classes and Expectations
And so the new semester has started! Well, not really. I have a two week Jan term class, then about a week’s break, THEN the new semester will start. But I thought I’d make some predictions for the coming months, which I’ll revisit in May when I’m finished. By the end of this semester, unless I fail something, I’ll have finished ALL of my core requirements, so I can use the next two years to focus on my major and my other random interests. Continue reading “Spring Semester: Classes and Expectations”
TheseFolk: The Seventh Sense
Woo! Magazine week!
Surviving your last semester of high school
Video was posted Thursday, sorry it took so long for me to blog!