Posted in Entertainment, Issues

I swear I don’t just see Zac Efron everywhere

Last night Ellen, Colton, and I had a movie marathon in Ellen’s dorm’s lounge. First, Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus (yes, it was as fantastic as it sounds). Second, Air Bud. Now, I haven’t seen Air Bud in YEARS, although I still hold it as one of my all time favorite childhood movies. But me and the rest of the people that ended up watching (Ellen, Colton, Kevin, and Jackson) had a disagreement that I think needs to be addressed. Continue reading “I swear I don’t just see Zac Efron everywhere”

Posted in Blog

Girls are sometimes cowards too

This is a followup post to my “boys are cowards” blog from Friday because I’ve gotten a substantial response and there are a few things I’d like to address.

The first thing is the nature of my failed relationships. My friend Ben asked if it was on purpose, that I broke up with the boys the way they asked me out. And upon rereading my post, I realize it does sound like that a bit. So I guess the first thing is really my defense. Continue reading “Girls are sometimes cowards too”

Posted in Blog

Boys are cowards and other musings

Harry Potter shirt. Oh yeah. You know you want a piece of this action.

So a few weeks ago, when I wrote Flummoxed, as a lot of you probably guessed, much of that story was true. That’s kind of what it’s like up in my head. I’m constantly realizing how socially inept I really am and, thus, constantly looking for ways to get out of social interactions. Sometimes, I swear this is true, I plan my bathroom use schedule around the times I know the least amount of people will be around. But that’s not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about something else that I mentioned in Flummoxed that happens to be based on real life. The whole “being asked out” thing. Continue reading “Boys are cowards and other musings”