Posted in Teenage Life

Productivity! [Like a boss]

I'd tap that.

Because I am the expert of everything, I’ve decided to share some of my ridiculous volume of knowledge with you. Don’t pretend like you aren’t excited.

So today I’m going to talk about productivity. I can hear some of you groaning already; “Bri doesn’t know anything about productivity!”

Well, you’re partly right. I’m not gonna lie; I’m one of the biggest procrastinators you will ever meet. Most of my homework from this past school year was finished during my first and second hour newspaper class. Lucky for me, I work well under pressure. If I didn’t finish my homework in newspaper, I did it under the desk during Spanish or in leui of actual work in Forensics (when I had that class). If I had a big assignment like a presentation or an essay, I’d do it at home, but for the most part, “home”work was a misnomer.

In short, you are absolutely correct. I have no place to talk about productivity. What do I know? Well, after some soul searching and caffeine, I actually have learned something, believe it or not. The key to productivity is: not being at home.

I’m serious. Last week, I went to Borders first, then Traders Coffee later. I wrote 2000 words in my novel, three college application essays, and a script for my latest YouTube video. Today, I went back to Traders today while my brother was at tennis and I finished a meteorology unit and took the test (95% YEEEAAAH), then wrote half of this blog. This is in between trips to the bathroom to blow my nose.

The point is, I get a lot more stuff done when I’m in a coffee shop or a bookstore with my laptop. I’m not sure why this is; maybe it’s because I have less distractions outside of the house. Maybe it’s also because all the cute college guys are always working on their laptops around me and I feel the need to be productive to look good for them. (Don’t judge me) I just plug my headphones in, turn on iTunes to Something About Airplanes, and plug away.

Moral of this story: If you’re trying to get something done and it just isn’t working, try a new location. It works for me.

(This post’s picture is me at Traders with meteorology notes)

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