So I’m browsing around the internet, trying to decide what my next theme week will be, and I got an idea. Would you all be interested in a week of story beginnings? Like, I’d give you the first scene or chapter of a story that I’ll probably never finish but think are cool anyways. It’d definitely be a writing stretch for me. Would that interest you at ALL?
What about a “How To” week? It could be cool/funny/insightful. I actually like that one. I’m doing it NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY.
And just because I’m kind of killing time, here are my top books series that you should check out.
1. Harry Potter. Duh.
2. A Great and Terrible Beauty. If you like magical victorian age stories and sarcasm. Also, if you are a girl.
3. The Princess Diaries. Don’t judge me. These books are hillarious and surprisingly honest.
4. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Same as above, although less hillarious.
5. Song of the Lioness quartet. Alanna the Lioness was the first in this series. If you’re a girl and like medieval fantasy, this is for you.
kaljfakfha I have to meet my mom at the burrito place now. Ciao!
Wow, I’ve actually read the first four of those, and definitely agree about the Princess Diaries being funny. They are SO MUCH BETTER than the movies.
I think both theme weeks would work well Bristers. I also like Betsy’s idea of a week long “What I like about myself” theme…would wrap up your year long project well. Betsy just game me another idea…what about a week long them highlighting YOUR 7 favorite posts from Bri 2.0? Surely some of them stood out for you like they did us.