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Dear Anita Sarkeesian,

Photo 251
Hello nice to meet you I’m Bri

[This letter has been updated since its original posting in 2013] I doubt you’ve heard of me, so let me take a moment to introduce myself. I’m Bri Castellini, a grad student in New York City studying Television Writing with a BA in Creative Writing from Pacific University in Oregon. I’m also recently coming into my own as a feminist.  Last year I had a paper accepted into my undergraduate university’s  undergrad magazine entitled “The Survival Sluts: Sex-Positive Characters in Margaret Atwood Novels”, which is exactly what it sounds like; analyzing Margaret Atwood’s dystopian female characters through the lens of third wave feminism. I have also started discussing the topic of feminism on YouTube, on both my personal and collaboration channels. You can see the  playlist here. I’ve also been blogging a lot about feminism, which you can find a collection of here. Continue reading “Dear Anita Sarkeesian,”

Posted in Blog, Entertainment

The Bechdel Test is the Worst

Above: a feminist with her natural facial expression.
Above: a feminist with her natural facial expression.

I’ve spent a considerable portion of my life telling people I wasn’t a feminist because I was friends with too many men, or because I believed in equality. My journey into the heart of feminism isn’t important now, though, because I am now a woman in the film and television industry and because of this, I hear a lot about “The Bechdel Test” and I feel like we need to clear some things up. (video version of this post at the bottom) Lets jump right in:

Why the Bechdel Test is Actually Not A Good Way to Measure Feminism in Film and Television

Continue reading “The Bechdel Test is the Worst”

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“The Problem with False Feminism”- A Response.

So there’s an article circulating around Tumblr right now. It’s this one, about Disney’s new animated film “Frozen.” I will state for the record I really enjoyed this movie when it came out, and now [as of the slight editing of this post for clarity]. A lot. And like everything else I enjoy in pop culture, when someone makes bad-faith criticisms of it, I have to respond. I can’t help it. I’ve been a competitive debater for six years. It’s in my blood. Continue reading ““The Problem with False Feminism”- A Response.”

Posted in Blog

On Being a Young Woman in a Crowd

IMG_6226Finally home from Spain! When iMovie decides to let me export, I’ll upload the next in my travel vlog series, but for now, I want to talk about exactly what this post is titled- being a young woman in a crowd, OR, more accurately, how I got sexually harassed while in Spain and why I no longer trust the majority of the male population because traumatic experiences make me paranoid. Continue reading “On Being a Young Woman in a Crowd”