Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 286] The Museum of Modern Crap

While in Paris, my grandmother was especially keen to take me to the Pompidou Museum of modern art, because she felt it was more my kind of thing than the Louvre. (Yeah, it definitely was. The Lourve was big, old, and boring. And all of the paintings were of Jesus! Nothing against Jesus or anything, but sheesh, isn’t there anything else to paint??) I’m a fan of impressionism and Van Gogh and things of that nature, and although I’m not big on Picasso some kinds of abstract art and cubism are pretty interesting. However, though some of the things in the Pompidou were really neat, I was dismayed at what has become called “art”. Continue reading “[Day 286] The Museum of Modern Crap”