Posted in Blog

These pictures are worth a thousand WTFs

Instead of a talky blog today, I thought I’d just put some pictures that I did for my work study job up. They’re for our theater’s fall production of Machinal, which if you’re in the Forest Grove area you can check out November 18th-20th! (I felt like I had to add that in because I feel guilty about just posting the pictures in a non-advertisy way)

For context, we had the six actors, the two costume girls, the director, and for a little while, the lights girl and the theater director, plus me, stuffed into this tiny little boiler room. Apparently, the old school boiler is being taken out soon, but it’s oldish and funky so the director wanted the photoshoot to happen around it. The floor was dirty and the other things lying around were even dirtier.

When I asked the lighting girl, who was working with me earlier on before the actors arrived, what the play was about, she just sort of laughed. Which I’m sure you’ll probably understand once you bask your eyes on the photos below.

Also, yes, they wanted black and white, and yes, they wanted the pictures to look sort of weird.

2 thoughts on “These pictures are worth a thousand WTFs

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