Posted in Issues


I have a very confusing conjectural moral question I was hoping the internet population could help me out with. Regarding Tolerance.

Now, It is not nice to prosecute people with a differing opinion than yours, and there are many pleas for tolerance from writers and critics old and new, attesting the desirably of tolerance. But…

If we accept tolerance, we are basically saying that every system of beliefs is equally valid and that we need to accept diversity.

That is saying that there is a possibility of our system of beliefs being wrong and their system of beliefs being right.

And to admit that possibility, we concede that we have doubts about our own system’s validity, which basically defies our system of beliefs.

So the only way to be true to our system of beliefs is to not accept any possibility that it is wrong, which sparks intolerance.

But to carry out that intolerance, we must squash the dissidents. But that leads to the first point, as persecution is not nice. And the thing goes round and round again.

So what do all you intelligent and opinionated people think? I hope you can alleviate my confusion. Or, if not, then you can join me.

What's up, my dudes?

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