Posted in Teenage Life

Top Ten reasons to work in a nursing home

I know I lament about my job a lot, but it’s not ALL bad. However, I will be making another list soon…. ten reasons why NOT to work them. For now, I’ll leave my cynicism at home.

NOTE: All these reasons are reasons to be an activities assistant in a nursing home. I’m not sure how being a therapist or a nurse is.

1. Half the time, all you have to do is sit next to a resident and listen to them talk, and you get paid for it.
2. Lots of material for funny stories. I’ve seen old people get into fist fights. Now that’s a conversation starter.
3. Sometimes, there’s a resident that is difficult with everyone but you, and it makes you feel accomplished. I had a lady like that, who was pretty mean to everyone, but I got through to her and she actually liked me.
4. It’s less depressing than working in a children’s hospital. At least the residents here have already lived their lives.
5. There’s always at least one person at each of the activities who just loves whatever you’re doing. Whether it be the little old lady smiling and singing along to gospel music or the lady playing Yatzee, the effect is always gratifying.
6. You don’t have to look manicured all the time. When I go to work, I wear nice pants (dress code), a plain shirt, and comfy shoes. I don’t bother with contacts, makeup, or hair, because the old people aren’t going to complain, and I could care less about what the CNAs think of me.
7. Because I’m not a nurse or CNA, I don’t have to deal with puking, pooping, or anything related to that. If someone is throwing up or their oxygen is running out, I just go get a nurse, because I don’t have the training to do anything more. Ah, legitament excuses.
8. If you’re under the age of thirty, the old people are constantly complimenting you. Every day I go in there, no matter how crappy I look, at least one resident tells me how pretty and thin I am. It’s a definite confidence booster.
9. You can talk as loud as you want, and no one will tell you to shut up, because chances are, the residents still won’t be able to hear you.
10. If you get scheduled to work when they plan to play a movie, you can sit in the back, eat free popcorn, and do your homework.

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