Posted in Issues

You’re All I Want

So I’ve been racking my brain for a new Let’s Argue topic, but the only issues that I could come up with were gay marriage (overused), abortion (overused), the presidential election (overused), and religion (I’m not even gonna go there. Too much personal controversy for everyone)

But then finally I came up with a good one. It has to do with the fact that after working for 49 hours in the past two weeks, I earned 398 dollars but am only able to deposit 322 of it. Everything else was taken off for income tax.

This SUCKS. I got gypped out of 76 dollars. That’s 9.5 hours I was not paid for. 9.5 hours of painting nasty, gnarled nails, scraping soggy, half digested food into a bucket, breaking up fights, translating mumbling, getting yelled at, getting run over by wheelchairs, and cheating at a non-violent hangman. That’s almost three days of working that I could have slept in and wrote blogs on. That. Sucks.

So this week’s Let’s Argue topic; how do you feel about income tax? If you don’t like it, what are your suggestions to change it?

Personally, I think it should be eliminated. They can raise sales tax a little to even it out a bit, but I want to keep all the money I earn. ALL OF IT.

What's up, my dudes?

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