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The Surviving College Series: Packing List Redux

Last year, at the end of my freshman year of college, I wrote a series of four posts regarding college survival. The first of which was a list of packing essentials, for the college freshman. You can read that post here, but today, I wanted to expand on it, because circumstances change and once you have all the essentials, especially entering into your sophomore or junior year, there’s nothing wrong with expanding your belongings to fit your new (and hopefully better) dorms and apartments. Continue reading “The Surviving College Series: Packing List Redux”

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A series of introductions

….as brought to you by Bri, ages 9, 12, 14, 14, 14 (yeah, I know), and 15. When I was younger, I had a lot of journals. A LOT of journals. And with each new book, I would write myself a new introduction, just in case I someday got amnesia and forgot myself or something. I don’t know. But it was a tradition, and a tradition I thought I’d chronicle here because some of the entries are really strange. If anything is misspelled, it’s because I misspelled them in the original entries. Also, I apologize in advance for how many times you have to hear my describe my hair and eye color. Enjoy! Continue reading “A series of introductions”

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Fifteen things I’ve learned from college

In keeping with the list trend, here are fifteen things I’ve learned from and about college in my two-years-and-counting stint. It’s been a crazy ride, but I’m convinced it’s worth it.

1. I have always taken paper towels for granted. They are crucial to good living conditions.

2. If you clean up messes as soon as they happen, they’re 10x easier to clean. If you don’t, good luck walking around without shoes and socks on.

3. Hoard the crap out of snack foods like crackers and chips, because if you don’t hide them, your roommates will devour them within a day.

4. Slam poetry isn’t as silly as people think it is.

5. Don’t panic when you go through security in the airport- people will wait for you, generally.

6. Rooming with your best friends can be fun, but also dangerous. Plan for some “me” time occasionally so you all remain best friends.

7. Coding a simple website is easier than it looks.

8. Working out in between classes usually works better than before or after, because it gives you a set amount of time to get stuff done.

9. Make a friend with a car- any kind of car. You never know when you’ll need them.

10. You can wear the same pair of jeans for three weeks in a row without anyone ever knowing.

11. Sometimes, starting over is the best editing you can do.

12. Charcoal is fun to draw with, but it makes a massive mess. Plan accordingly.

13. Homemade journals are inexpensive and easy, given that you have the correct materials.

14. When writing, knowing your characters internal and external goals will make every character arc seem more realistic and honest.

15. If you aren’t having fun, you’re doing something wrong.