Posted in Blog

You, too

I was thinking about relationships the other day, as I’m known to do as of late. I mean, it’s been three years since my last legitimate relationship failed (I don’t count Sean, since that was more of a massive, unlabeled mistake spent almost entirely 300 miles apart). So naturally, I like to think about these 2 (and a half, if you really want to count Sean as something) relationships from time to time. I don’t have a new one to move on to, so I’m left constantly examining them. And I realized something. Continue reading “You, too”

Posted in Blog

Bummer, dude

Remember that post a while back about how boys are cowards? I called out my ex-boyfriends for having never asked me out in person, for being cowards. And then I wrote a response, about how girls are sometimes cowards too. And this post is sort of related.

I say sort of because it isn’t about being asked out, or asking someone out. Not exactly. Because, see, before you ask someone out, you usually want to be sure they like you, right? Like like you. And sometimes that’s the most difficult part. Continue reading “Bummer, dude”

Posted in Entertainment

On Rory

I’m not gonna lie. The first time I watched Season 5 of Doctor Who, I hated Rory (Arthur “Dies Daily” Darvill). I didn’t hate him for being a bad person (he wasn’t) or for being annoying (see previous parentheses). To be honest, I didn’t hate him for any coherent, reasonable reason. Really, I hated him for dating Amy. Continue reading “On Rory”

Posted in Blog

When I Get You Alone (Darren Criss Edition)

I know I already posted something today, but as it’s Valentines Day and I wrote that review weeks ago, I felt like you all deserved a slightly more personalized post. It’s a holiday. Sort of. And instead of writing you a Valentines day song (which I’ve been known to do in the past) I thought I’d just write you a philosophical rant of sorts. Continue reading “When I Get You Alone (Darren Criss Edition)”

Posted in 365 Days of Bri (Bri 2.0)

[Day 135] And I thought I woudn’t have anything to blog about

I'm pushing my luck
I'm pushing my luck

We’re taking a break from holiday blogs for this special announcement: I DID IT AGAIN! HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW, WORLD??

Story time. So pretty much everyone knows the Dylan story by now. It was one of my main motivations in starting this project, and it has almost been completely resolved because of this project. But I’m here today (tonight) to tell you about a different saga that occurred almost at the exact same time, just in an entirely different facet of my life. Continue reading “[Day 135] And I thought I woudn’t have anything to blog about”