Posted in Blog

A Look Back

I know, I didn’t post a video on Sunday OR a blog yesterday. Fail. FAIL. I think I’m going to start just posting blogs on Friday, not Monday AND Friday. That might be more manageable. Anyways, I was looking around the web archive of my website and found some amusing things. So today I wanted to take a walk through websites past and show you how far this website has truly come.

October 7th, 2007.

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.17.23 AMFavorite parts about this: the spoon counter (for my plastic spoon collection that began in 8th grade for truly no reason), the poll that asks what the best way to be injured is (and the poll answer that reads “However Bri figured it out”, whatever that means), Sean (OGOMAS) misspelling “site” to alert me of some design issues, and the fact that I distinguished between fantasy stories and fiction stories. Oh, sophomore year of high school Bri. You’re adorable.

February 11th, 2009.

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.26.53 AMFavorite parts about this: the poll option for “what should win best picture this year” reading “None, Bri was snubbed out of one”, Cody (scarface) telling me that I did not, in fact, have sausage fingers, my conversation with someone named “Ansgar” in which I tell them, in Swedish, that their first message could not be translated, and the title reading “Indulge yourself in the teenage mind” as if it’s on par with a trip to the spa or massage parlor.

May 7th, 2009.

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.33.53 AMMy favorite parts: The lack of pages other than “about” and whatever the heck “ideas” means, and the fact that Ahmy was blogging about not being able to cry. I wonder what he’s up to these days.

January 13th, 2010. (Almost exactly two years ago!)

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.36.51 AMMy favorite parts: the coffee drink that looks DELICIOUS, the fact that the first blog listed is the one I tweaked to start my NaNo novel, the fact that Ahmy is admonishing my lack of Bri 2.0 posts, and that the blog about my previous birthdays is called “Pollinate”, which is kind of creepy.

November 20th, 2010.

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.41.21 AMFavorite things: The Van Gogh quote, my admonishment of the Lord Voldemort Twitter account for repeating my “whorecrux” joke a day after my own, the most boring theme the website has ever seen, and my unbridled hatred of football players.

March 9th, 2011.

Screen Shot 2013-01-15 at 10.45.18 AMFavorite things: the tweet informing my forensics team that I was going to be live-tweeting a speech tournament from Budapest, the most-loved theme my site has ever seen, and the third coffee-themed header.

This website has gone through a variety of changes over the course of its existence, and each one has had its vices and virtues. When I was younger this site was a place for me to spew my weird, and to organize all of my friends’ interests into one place, and now it’s a place for me to express the things that interest me and share my experiences with the world. There are things I miss about each of this site’s reincarnations, but I’m happy with where it is now and I’m sure someday I’ll look back on even this period of its life and laugh.

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