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A series of introductions

….as brought to you by Bri, ages 9, 12, 14, 14, 14 (yeah, I know), and 15. When I was younger, I had a lot of journals. A LOT of journals. And with each new book, I would write myself a new introduction, just in case I someday got amnesia and forgot myself or something. I don’t know. But it was a tradition, and a tradition I thought I’d chronicle here because some of the entries are really strange. If anything is misspelled, it’s because I misspelled them in the original entries. Also, I apologize in advance for how many times you have to hear my describe my hair and eye color. Enjoy!

October 22, 2001. 8:41pm. Age 9.

Dear diary,

I am in Forth grade. I have curly hair, blue eyes, and I stand up to people. I think I’m being haunted by a ghost! I’m scared!



December 14, 2004. Age 12.

Ok, I’m starting a new diary, fresh, clean pages. Ok, my name is Brianna *middlename* *lastname* and I am currently 12 years old. I’m in seventh grade at Fruita Middle School. I am in an eigth grade algebra class and I am pretty good at everything else. I have a mom, a dad, and a brother named Vinny. Mostly, my friends are boys, with the exception of my best friend, Rachel. I have brown (I like to call it golden) hair and curious eyes. Some say green, some say blue, some say gray, and some say they don’t know. I’m 5′ 1″ and average weight, around 110. (I’m not sure, but I bet I lost about 5 pounds in basketball.) Well, that’s basically all about me.


March 19, 2006. Age 14.

What is there to say? My name is Brianna *middlename* *lastname*, Known as Bri. I am 14 years old, about to start my fourth quarter at Fruita Middle School. I’m in eigth grade, and I have a 4.0, despite the fact that I procrastinate more than is healthy. I have green eyes and light brown hair that’s thick, unruly, curly, and long. I live with myself as much as I live outside myself. I’m, different. Not in a way that anyone can relate, though.



June 21, 2006. Still age 14. My 14 year old self was apparently really narcissistic.

Whew! Nothing like filling your walls with construction paper and thumbtacks in a quest for unattainable glamour. And who would have though I would find a blank journal in the process?

I suppose I should start with intros. I am Brianna *middlename* *lastname*, known as Bri. I have long, thick, curly, uncontrollable brown hair, and ocean colored eyes. I say ocean because they aren’t blue, like my dad thinks, or brown, or green, or grey. It’s sort of a mix, with yellow around the pupils that looks like a sun is shining. I’m 5′ 3″, I think, and I weigh 129 pounds, according to my physical. And since I can’t find the scale, I’ll just go with that. But it’s all muscle (well, most of it, anyways) because I am MUCHO athletic. Ok, not really, but I do play basketball, volleyball, tennis, and fencing. I’m also doing a weight lifting/ plyometric program through my high school. Oh, heh, yeah, I’m 14 and it’s the middle of the summer before my first year of high school.

Well, technically it isn’t high school because they’re building an 8/9 building since our town is so overcrowded with school-age kids.

But that’s fine by me.  I could really care less where I go as a freshman, because I want to finish my credits and get the heck out of Colorado.

I’m a writer, as whoever is reading this can probably tell. I’m also a reader, an athlete (which I already mentioned), a nerd, and I’m suffering from loseritus.

Yes, you read that right, loser-itus. It’s a very common but undetectable virus. Basically, whoever has it is, duh, a loser, and anyone who comes into contact with someone who has it is immediately affected.

Did you realize that most of the old Disney movies are musicals? I JUST realized that!

Anyway, even one infected with anti-social genes and loser-itus has friends.

*list and descriptions of all of said friends, followed by some rambling about the Chronicles of Narnia, which I was apparently watching, and then a list of my top ten hottest guys. Notable mentions were Liam Aiken and Robert Pattison. Oh, my)*

And that’s about it.


December 25, 2006. Living room. Still age 14.

Thank you Mia! Finally, a non-embarassing, fresh, new journal. I like it.

Ah, introductions. I suppose it’s only fair I should tell whoever is reading this who I am. My name is Brianna *middlename* *lastname*, best known as Bri. I am fourteen, about a month away from fifteen, and I am only about 5′ 3″. So I’m a shorty, basically. I’m not going to mention how much I weigh until me and my mom start doing Tae-bo more often. My most prominent feature is my hair. Although I no longer have an afro, like when I was in elementary school, my light brown, thick, curly hair is still quite noticeable. I’ve cut it short again, so curly it goes about to my collarbone, and straight it goes a bit past. I have questionable eyes. Which means that no on knows the exact color, although the most common answer is “blue-green-grey”. Around the pupil there is yellow, so I call my eyes “Ocean sunshine”. A nice ring, no?

I am Italian, if you couldn’t tell by my name, so I inherited the large nose. I don’t think I’m very good looking, maybe passable, although some of my friends tell me I am. I have curves, some curves larger than others (cough hips cough), and I’m not buxom, but I have a fair amount of, er, stuff in that department.

I’m very intelligent, but not a bragger; it’s a fact. I have always excelled at school, even though I’m lazy a procrastinator, and hormonal. I’m also a very good writer, which is again a fact. I also have my own website,, so I’m pretty much a wiz at computers (it helps that my dad is a computer consultant with his own website). My immediate family is small, only 4 people. My mom, Beth, my dad, Rick, my brother, Vincent [Vinny], and me. My brother is 13 now, born in October, and I turn 15 in January. He is a 7th grader and I’m enjoying winter break in the middle of my first year of high school.

Except it isn’t really high school, it’s the new 8/9 school out town, Fruita, Colorado, built because of the overcrowding problem in our little Grand Vally. At first I thought it was a good idea, but it kind of sucks.

I don’t think I can justly describe all my friends, so I’ll just name them off. *names off an impressive and very exaggerated list of friends. At the end of the list, music, books, and money are all also listed as friends*

I have two female Golden Retrievers, Savannah [the baby, who’s third birthday was, ironically, today), and Sandy (The mom, around 8 years old).

I’m an OK singer, and although I don’t know how to sufficiently play, I have an electric keyboard I’m teaching myself how to play on. I like pretty much all kinds of rock, with the exception of metal, which makes me laugh.

Whew. You’ll learn more as I write more.

So. It’s Christmas. I’m an Athiest, but I’ll celebrate for my family. I got a couple of books, some gift cards, a dashboard Jesus (thanks, Kelli!), two journals, money, 3  shirts, some PJs, and little odds and ends.

Twas a good day.


March 9, 2007. Intro to Business. 7:44am. Age 15. (Final entry, I promise)

Another new journal! Geez.

I start all of my journals with introductions, but this time I’m going for something… a little more abstract.

My name is Brianna *middlename* *lastname*, but I go by Bri. I am Italian, French, British, Irish, and probably a couple more random nationalities.

I have never died my hair, so the light brown, thick, curly mass is all natural. Unfortunately.

Once, when I was eating dinner, it killed a fly. My hair. Killed it. Yup. Impressive, eh?

When I eat lunch at the mall, I like to get a sesame chicken bowl with fried rice from the Chinese place there. I can never finish it.

When I was about 7 or 8, in elementary school, I remember that one day I had to go to the bathroom. Badly. But when I went to ask the teacher for a pass, she was in a conversation with someone, and I didn’t want to be rude, so I waited. Then I peed my pants. Nice, huh?

I’m afraid of failing. Failing at school, at being a girl, at relationships, at fulfilling my dreams. I’m afraid that I’ll just be one big failure and I’ll die alone with only my chickens surrounding me. (I’m allergic to cats, so I couldn’t be a cat lady)

I’m 15 years old, and I’m just now starting to act like a girl. I used to want to be a boy, but now I kind of like being a girl. Sometimes.

My drivers ed teacher, Mike, told me my fingers (well, thumbs) look like Vienna sausages. Thanks, Mike.

My good friend and ex-boyfriend is also named Mike. See, we’ve been friends for about a year and a half, and then he finally came clean and told me he liked me. I kind of liked him too, so we decided to “date”. That was last Friday (a week ago).

But it was kind of a no-touch relationship. He couldn’t hold my hand, and he could barely talk to me anymore, and I couldn’t tease him like I used to because he would get all touchy.

So yesterday, we came to a mutual agreement and “broke up” from “dating”. And then, automatically, we could talk like old times. If he can’t talk to me like that if we date, then I’d ratehr not.

So basically it’s all his fault.

You might not be able to tell, but I’m actually quite intelligent. This is my first year of high school and these are my classes:

1st block- Intro to Business.

2nd- AP Human Geography

3rd + 4th- Biology

5th- G&T

6th- Lunch

7th- Beginning Acting

8th- Geometry

9th- Spanish

I’m an aquarious and I enjoy long walks on the beach. (Unfortunately, I live in Colorado)

Spring break is tomorrow, and on Monday I’m leaving for Hawaii.

I hate anything (ok, most things) that is cliche. Original thoughts get places. Recycled ones do not.

I’m bored now.


And there you have it! Fun fact, literally the next diary entry is about getting back together with Mike. Such is life. I hope you enjoyed my self-assessments throughout the years. I clearly got more verbose the longer I went. My favorite part is the loser-itus bit. Loser-itus? Really? Oh well.

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