Posted in Teenage Life


Atman is a god in the Buddhist/Hindu religion. Atman is also a state, a state of happiness, a state of wisdom, a state of self-acceptance, and above all, a state of peace.

I bring along this introduction to a rather incomprehensible state because I feel I have reached it. At least, for a temporary period.

For me, yesterday was an out of body experience. Not just one moment yesterday, but the whole day. I walked through experiencing things from the third person.

It was interesting to look back on everything and realize just how little I care about anything other than being happy with who I am. Honestly, if you don’t like me enough to say hi or make the occasional effort you’re not worth my time. But, because I am who I am, that doesn’t mean I won’t give it to you. And, I like it that way.

Posted in Teenage Life

Bri’s Own World dot com

Coming here always brightens my day. To see all of my friends writing away about their lives and their thoughts is a real treat. And, too see Bri’s studious pursuit of her 365 project is wonderful. It reminds me that I wish I had the drive to take on a real project like this in stead of my usual nonsensical blather about learning how to bike better or researching more cars or accepting who I am and embracing it. Though those are great goals and are incredibly fun to attain, they’re not the kind of thing that is going to further me. Other than accepting who I am, that is. So I’ve decided I will copy Bri and her wonderful project and post something about what, or who, made a difference in my day. As I am not studious like Bri though, I cannot promise that this will happen everyday. I will try though! Continue reading “Bri’s Own World dot com”

Posted in Teenage Life

You know those nights

When you’re sitting at your computer at 3am wondering how you’re still awake and how it is possible to not yet be sleepy? Yeah…If only these would come when I actually had something to do with my time at 3am.

Lucky, it is a very good time to fill up Bri’s website with useless garble about how you’re still awake at 3am. Enjoy.

Posted in Teenage Life

Where oh where

Has dear Ahmy been.

Well, in summation, Pueblo. I went to USC-Pueblo for a week for a program called Boys’ State. It’s a mock government setting for juniors going to be seniors hosted by the American Legion in 49 states. What an experience. 18 hour days for a week. Military flag raising a lowing ceremonies. Though it was only a week it felt like much much longer. A month perhaps, or even a year. I have come out of it with friends who I feel I’ve known as long as any reading this or more. Anywho, now that that’s out of the way, I wanted to pose a question to all of you. How has the recent loss of Nate effected you? Personally, I didn’t know him. Thusly, it hasn’t really effected me.

Posted in Teenage Life

Can you?

Can you believe it’s over? An entire year of school. Wow. I can’t believe I’m almost done with highschool. I can’t believe it’s been 17 years. Hmm, I guess I was about to get all nostalgic there, but I won’t. I’m just amazed at everything that happened and how much it’s affected me in every way and how it hasn’t affected me at all at the same time.

What are you guys gonna do with your summer? I plan on trying to find a job and trying to enjoy my last summer before I have to go grow up. Anybody wanna just be a kid with me?

I don’t know everybody who’s on here and I don’t want to offend anybody if they’re not on my list here, but here it goes. I want to thank Ben for being a great friend and a pretty entertaining fellow, I want to thank Betsy for being my best friend for so long and never fogetting about me even when I forgot about her and everything else, and I want to thank Bri for everything: for this great site, for helping through my issues, for listening to me complain, for putting up with what a jerk I am, for putting up with how annoying I am, for brinner, and for anything I forgot to mention. That goes for all those mentioned and all those not.

Anywho, now that this is getting all long winded I think I’ll just sign off with a reminder that I want to make this summer memorable. So, leave a comment and we’ll make it memorable together. 🙂 Thanks guys.