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Photo on 4-7-13 at 1.00 PMAfter this morning’s blog drama (which I have already replied to in comments and in email to the person it concerns) I wasn’t having a very good start to my day. Then Colton, who for all intents and purposes is my husband (Siri even recognizes him as such), drafted a response of his own to the drama which he’ll post as soon as he gets off work and which legitimately made me tear up. And after that, Quinn (who shall henceforth be known as the best boyfriend in the world) brought me Reeses and an Apple Blueberry fruit leather bar (one of my favorite flavors from my favorite brand) at work and gave me a big hug. He also wanted to bring my a Brambleberry Tazo iced tea (my absolute favorite drink in the world) but they were out at the bistro. He knows me so well it’s scary. And THEN I noticed that the girl I met at NULC (an experience which I will blog about next week) (also, hi Kaitlen!) not only commented on my guestbook, but also subscribed to both my personal and collab channels on YouTube AND liked my website on Facebook. So, a less-than-fun morning turned into a pretty great afternoon. And with that, I’ll leave you with a quote that I think sums up just about everything that has happened in the past three hours:

“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” -Elbert Hubbard

What's up, my dudes?

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