Posted in Blog


Cue apology about not posting on Friday and excuse about speech/being on the road for over 5 hours. Whatever. Moving on. I am sick. Or at least I am getting sick. My throat feels all funny and my nose is running and now I’m pissed because I do not want to be sick. I have a boyfriend and a full class schedule and a poetry slam to host.

Speaking of poetry, today Matt and I stood like idiots in the UC with a hastily made iPad document reading “push button for poetry” and then read poems to various students when they “pushed” the button. It actually went really well; we performed about six total poems and informed tons of people about our slam tonight. Matt got a girl’s number, I called my RA a gay lumberjack, Matt’s voice rang throughout the entire building, and a dude called my poem “incredible.”

I’m in digital art right now, which is in a computer lab. I’m wearing the oversize Great Gatsby sweatshirt that fits both me (in a big, comfy way) and my boyfriend and my Lost-And-Found-snatched crocheted fingerless gloves. I am feeling very hipster, especially because I’m blogging.

Apparently my prof has seen a few episodes of Cooking with Gandalf. I don’t know how I feel about this. I guess it’s a good thing people are watching, but still. It’s a little weird.

I can already tell this is going to be one of my stream-of-consciousness blogs, a la Bri’s Own World 2007. You don’t mind, do you? No, of course not. There is no “you.” “You” is a construct of my mind so it doesn’t feel like I’m writing into the vast chasm of the internet and before anyone reads any of my stuff it’s spaghettified into a black hole made of cat GIFs and porn.

That image was actually kind of cool. I should make that into a poem.

I should make a lot of things into poetry. I’ve been so imbued with fiction that I’ve been slacking on my poetry, and that’s not good, since poetry is the writing form that I’m actually doing stuff with. Whoop. I’ve got a few ideas, though, so we’ll see how that goes.

Colton just texted me- apparently the toilet in my bathroom has been fixed after two months of having to screw with it every time I flush. Good news. That was getting annoying.

Things that I should probably be doing:

Following along in class

Writing a To Do list

Writing a poem

Things I AM doing:

Sort of blogging


I think I’ll go. Something more substantial later in the week. Probably.

What's up, my dudes?

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